So I saw this stuff on a Toyota commercial and thought just how stupid do you have to be on a run, gasping for air, and then let people throw paint dust at you? 10 years from now you’re like a coal miner with black lung, except yours are colorful.
So I saw this stuff on a Toyota commercial and thought just how stupid do you have to be on a run, gasping for air, and then let people throw paint dust at you? 10 years from now you’re like a coal miner with black lung, except yours are colorful.
Most of the women I knew growing up.
“Sorta makes one yearn for the quiet days when Portman was hanging with her hottie dancer husband and recovering from gestating both her first Oscar and a child, doesn’t it?”
This spell's disaster witch-ever way you cast it.
As if Rebel Wilson couldn’t be any more of a boss, the Pitch Perfect superstar is designing a plus-sized fashion…
The problem with the tweets is that they display an incredible ignorance of history. Even the St. Patrick’s Day tweet is ignorant.
She already sued; this is his countersuit.
I’m listening. Tell me about your struggles, brother.
“I’m totally certain something was in that drink,”- This is from the accuser in that new documentary. The toxicology report done mere hours after the alleged incident proves this indisputably false. This alone should be enough for a counter-suit, no?
Sure, it’s progress. But I’m not going to walk around giving the guy mad props when underneath all the “coolness” is the continued fucked policies of the catholic church.
I like that we’re judging the head of the Catholic Church roughly the same way I judge the stuff my 8 year old nephew makes in his pottery class.
Yeah, this grinds my gears. I am aware that this pope is the “chill pope” and that there is only so much he can do without alienating his base but fuck that. “Love the sinner, hate the sin” is always fucking bullshit and that is all this is.
I’m so glad I stopped caring and trying to be in a relationship. I’ve filled that gap in my life with a crapton of books. Books will always be there for me. They will never lie to me or cheat on me. Books are our friends. Books are good. Books are magical time travel devices, full of everything missing in my life.…
I get how a lot of Levitical laws and stuff are mistranslated/misinterpreted (though is there a benign interpretation of marrying off rape victims to their rapists thing?)
Oh boy. This is fun.
I get the sentiment behind what you’re saying but you really need to realize that among the groups that even just use the Bible as their shared holy text, there is a giant range of ways they interpret it, and if you had to sum up the beliefs all those groups share, you’d come up with a very small…
“Doctor” Ablow is the worst garbage human pretending to be a doctor on this green earth, and this universe also contains a “doctor” Oz, so that’s really saying something. I’m incapable of directly wishing harm on anyone, but if he were to accidentally fall into an active volcano I wouldn’t exactly be clawing the…