
If the 2016 election has taught us anything, it’s that red states are more attached to their racism than to their wallets, religious ideals, safety, or sanity.

OMG! Sadly you’re probably accurate.

The next step is robot dogs, so our pets can share with us the anguish of having their jobs automated.

That’s only because cats are horrible and not worth anyone’s time.

They’re gonna get sued...

Did you read it yet? People are waiting here you know.

This shows that advertisers are taking over EVERY site with an upload or post feature, enforcing various forms of censorship. And because of that those BOTS go haywire, flagging everything.

This article made me laugh because I thought tumblr was just porn and fan blogs. I have never once thought of it as a place where people might share videos and pictures of their kids.

Seriously. The only reason I look at tumblr is because I want to see someone’s tumblr.

Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children!

Well, it was a video of a needy pussy.

“Oh no, someone somewhere is getting something I don’t need!”

It’s not the skeeviness of the boss that’s an issue, it’s that a) we should have the right to determine what’s out there in the world featuring us and b) it’s harder to have a professional relationship (or get hired in the first place!) when your boss has seen your first time going potty.

It matters to this girl. There is obviously a troubling family dynamic here is she feels she has to sue to get her parents to respect her wishes. Why didn’t they just take them down, given how distressed she obviously is?

Because children’s nudity is private? Because children deserve respect? Because bodily autonomy is not just for sex pozzie hipster poly pansexual adults?

Better: Exploit the shit out of your powerless kid’s nude body and private bodily functions, because haw haw! What’s the kid gonna do? Sue?

It’s usually not a selling point. Its use as such here seems to indicate a bit of a hustle.

“Point” is a company that will give you a little money to help you buy a house.

They have to tell me if I’m at risk to lose money, they don’t have to tell me they’re at risk to lose money.

They all seem reasonable “on its face” that’s how they get you