
gun violence in the inner city is mostly street justice and drug battles. that is not what active shooters are. In cities like Chicago the gap between poor and rich is what is causing that crime and not the laws are lack of laws. Big city problems and active shooters are not on the same spectrum and have nothing what

the violent people do not even play games or movies with violence. for them violence is a tool. also not all shooting with more than one victim are active shooters. we need to not start lumping them all together. also pissed off workers are not the same as active shooters. and domestic murder is also not an active

i agree. but i am a bit lost. she has never heared of

ghetto gangers is a string of movies that have been around for a long time. in fact, considering how young she looks, i am sure gg was on the net before she was of age. is she new to porn?

so she has never heard of

i really understand this is my fault. i am bad at getting my point a across. i think of it this way. or i should say, let me fram all this in a other way. I do not like those ppl that come and try to get you to come to church. not that i care and not that i dont go to church my self. but......... the thing is the

Why is it things are limited when lives are one the line, but we will bend over backwards to kill people? What if people spent their resources doing life saving things and we didn’t have money to kill? Would there be peace? I know im asking too much. But i do want to know how we always find the resources to do evil.

That may very well the case. But there is nothing i loth more then having use google. I dont read ssearch results for hours anymore. Because google is at annoying to use. Maybe they suck for productivity reasons. All i know is i to like searching for things. Now i dont. Sob.

That may very well the case. But there is nothing i loth more then having use google. I dont read ssearch results for hours anymore. Because google is at annoying to use. Maybe they suck for productivity reasons. All i know is i to like searching for things. Now i dont. Sob.

Good points. Just feel like adults shouldn’t have to cowtow to others feels. People should free to make what they want and who ever likes it, is their bread n butter. And every else can go consume what ever it is they like. We cant alll like the same things.

Triage is a thing. And, that is what you are talking about. thus, someone would be left to die. lets not lie to each other. lol.

Back in like 1980 my big sister nuked an egg. She said, I’ll poke a hole in it, because I told her it would explode. I told her not to do it. And she still did it. and no crap, it exploded like I said it would, like I knew it would. She now works transplanting human organs. I still do not understand how someone so

hum? What if they are only having that attack because of over eating or smoking? Or cocaine or lack of getting of the sofa and working out?

Being callous and natural selection are not the same things. In fact, most natural selection takes place in the subconscious via receptors or what not. Also, the world is a mess because of people confusing bodily imperatives and/or left over cave man instincts for ethical behavior. But, I guess that is asking too much

I am convinced that driving gives people a sense of power. And, That power makes them stupid. Point of example this rock and road rage and people feeling entitled to run over people. Here Texas it is defacto law that if you are not in the crosswalk they can kill you. Just do not flee and do not be drunk and have all


LOL. Us kids drank EverClear with just enough orange juice to make it cloudy.

Wikipedia? Not the place to bet on.

Of that.

and smoked crack. Not that that would keep me from voting for her, at least to piss off men and whites