
Maybe so, but is it the games that are making them that way? No, they are that way and they buy the games that give them what they like. Then the game makers make games they know will sell to those people that like to play. It’s a feedback loop.

Repeat after me:

My biggest question here is: what happened to the train? It never appeared.

Generally speaking, do not put seals in the microwave. Even (especially ?) baby seals.

I mean, you’re still gonna die. Happy Tuesday!

“This why you bring a bottle of wine. Or at least share your drugs.”

Also, not bringing fruit and veg when a lot of the produce in grocery stores in the US comes from Mexico seems excessive. I understand for example Australia banning it lest a weird insect that will destroy the country is hiding in your bananas, but I am sure the border patrol can’t stop insects from traveling into the

It’s even more fickle to ask for 74 followers instead of just letting it happen. Fucker is literally asking for a handout while he criticized people for taking them.

We used to call that sort of thing a “conflict of interest”. Now it’s the status quo.

2.25 TB, a couple hundred dollars from Western Digital.

Car leases = most expensive way to operate a vehicle. BS I say!

Kinda wish I’d followed this old fuck just so I could mash the button.

I’ve been holding off on doing the DNA tests because I know that I have four younger half siblings, but I’m pretty sure they don’t know about me.

Also, Merry Christmas you’re a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis isn’t so merry.

The only notifications that pop up on my phone are texts and calls. I’ve never understood why anyone would want facebook, instagram, Home Depot, Target, etc notifications popping up and screaming for immediate attention. I sit next to people in meetings at work and will see their phones constantly lighting up, and

Or Minnesota with their “niceness”.

sounds pretty tight

I think she is guilty of kidnapping and manslaughter, That said!; I think she has a point. It is foul enough that you are going to smoke crack at the table, but a bridge to far to not offer your host the first hit. Some people have no class. This why you bring a bottle of wine. Or at least share your drugs. Come on.

I don’t think he’s looking to score points with anyone. This seems to be motivated by spite more than anything else. It grinds his gears that he went down for that tape while the Mandarin Orange Candidate got elected.

Counter point: not wasted