
Dude, just admit that you’re The National Enquirer for hipsters, it’s cool, we’ll still like you (we already know).

another solution: dont buy Apple products that dont work even though it’s the 10th generation.

I would have that photo printed large and professionally framed if I were her.

That is some freaky weird as hell coincidence.

“What did they expect a 100lb body to do to the car they landed on?”

Well, if you have to ignore logic and science to believe it, yes, I would say you are not using your critical thinking skills.

Dammit, you guys beat me to the punch. Seriously, if your going to a church then you are probably already either 1) At the lower end of the IQ spectrum in the U.S. or 2) Old and about to die.

Wait, you mean people that actually believe what is obviously bronze-age mythology sprinkled with a healthy does of fear of the “other” throughout all its teachings aren’t gonna have the most nuanced views on race?

Church goers are racist hypocrites. What a shock!

“I can’t say I have ever gotten consent.”

We really need to have a way to teach young people how to communicate about sex and consent; it should be part of sex ed.

It becomes a grey area. I can’t speak for everyone, but if I ever have any doubt I just hold back. If someone is stumbling around all over themselves, but you’ve only had a drink or two, it’s probably smart to proceed with caution. I’ve just seen too many people get hurt...

it starts when people are toddlers. I ALWAYS ask my son if I may hug him. Sometimes he says “no.” And I ALWAYS accept his answer. Since he’s been walking, we’ve talked about respecting people’s space and asking permission. It’s weird at first, but he’s 3 and gets it. You have to start young for it to really sink in.

While proven to be effective against unplanned pregnancies and STDs, I fail to see how sex ed would’ve prevented that situation.

Oh good fucking lord. You do not take into consideration anything like family (spouse/dependents), education, cost of living/inflation, or anything else that may deflate this figure.

Yep, I totally agree. Look, either we treat everyone as adults and let them drive and drink alcohol and buy cigarettes, have control over their own money and decisions, or we don’t. They can’t just be adults when we decide it’s convenient for us.

Exactly. Why the fuck do we have a juvenile justice system if we can somehow prosecute 12-year-olds as adults?

Why were they tried as adults, anyway? I know that this happens but I have never understood it. Why even have adult and child categories then?

My mom likes to collect really ugly jewelry and glassware and random shit from QVC/HSN. She claims the jewelry and glassware is worth money because some of it is old and she bought a lot of it at estate sales. My step dad is worse. He has all his kid’s toys from when they were little (they’re 34 and 37) and

My dad still hasn’t cleaned out my mom’s dresser, and she died 10 years ago.