
Notice I said Gen IV; 3 Mile was a Gen II, and Chernobyl was a shoddy Soviet Gen II.

There’s a valid argument that nuclear weapons have saved millions of lives. They may also be responsible for the rise of terrorism and ‘low-intensity’ conflicts. The reason being that prospect of all out war is simply too terrible to contemplate anymore. Instead we have proxy wars and guerilla wars. We have smaller

It’s their rocket program that we have to keep an eye on. North Korea could destroy Seoul with conventional artillery, they need sophisticated rockets and missiles to hit Japan and the US.

There will be better deals at their “Going Out of Business Sale”.

I’m glad that, at least for now, there is a lot of push back when people try to do 9/11 sales. But I expect it will get more common and less shocking.

Also, not everyone who visits the site of the Twin Towers or the the Pentagon Memorial or the Shanksville Memorial gets to be dismissed as a “tourist.” People who do not live in New York City are allowed to mourn and pay their respects.

Please tell me that’s not real.

You know how Mark Twain said that comedy was tragedy plus time? NOT ENOUGH TIME, DUDES.

I gasped like a pearl-clutching church lady at that part. These smug assholes should be ashamed of themselves. They probably aren't though, so hopefully they feel it in the sales where it hurts.

It's all a big misunderstanding, someone hacked their Facebook account!

The title and the gimmick are bad enough. But knocking the towers of mattresses over and her smirking “we’ll never forget” is absolutely vile. These people suck.

that a responding police officer was also injured when another officer’s gun accidentally discharged.

A day? That seems problematic. 2-3 days out of the week? That seems okay to me.

All of these “options” are pretty stupid since they all boil down to buy an adapter to carry around and eventually lose so you go out and buy again. When Apple could have just kept the TINY headphone jack which wouldn’t have made any difference to their new (uninspired) design.

Pretty much, number one should have been:

it doesn’t matter whether he’s a-list, b-list or d-list - he’s one of the more talented, interesting young actors working today. if you have’t seen him in Fury or Nymphomaniac, you don’t know what you’re missing. he’s an excellent actor.

Bill Clinton invented cigar-fucking interns.

No, but it does mean that you can't call them rapists without being sued. It's merely the difference between what they are and what they can be identified as in public. You can think he's a rapist to your hearts content, but you can't print it.

So now to Jezebel, even if someone was acquitted, they're still a rapist, because ya know, an accusation is 100% true 100% of the time.