Thanks, I enjoy making adults and children laugh at the pool.
Thanks, I enjoy making adults and children laugh at the pool.
I’ve been noticing a trend at work (a NFP healthcare org) that whenever I email the other NFP agencies with liaise with, they have nearly all changed their email signatures to include their pronouns. I think it’s great. And the other day at home I asked my seven year old something about someone (can’t remember who)…
As a dude who witnessed first hand the “medical horror stories” of the four pregnancies and two births my wife experienced (two miscarriages), I agree with you 100%. Raising awareness to this issue is warranted, and if the birth of Daisy Bloom helps push the narrative in a positive way, I’m for it.
Anyone who had to advocate for her own birthday cake flavor against the wishes of everyone else....
You probably thought that call was about you.
Swift even wants her fans to vote early by requesting ballots mail-in ballots.
At first I wondered if this might be a problem for me but, actually, the voluntary act of putting on and taking off the mask MYSELF (because I want to) ended up feeling very empowering. In fact I feel overall safer now than without one.
Just 499 more to go, Joan.
“No, Michael. I did not tell them you cooked your foot”.
As a licensed personal lines property and casualty producer in all 50 states and DC, I’m honestly torn about the “shopping around” advice. Most, but not all, insurers offer discounts that are introductory in nature, meaning they go away at your first renewal. These are typically for silly things like e-signing…
Cruella DeVos is finding other ways to make sure the God lovers graft continues.
1982. I am 13. I am playing fast pitch softball, 3rd base. My dad has coached me in previous years, but this year I am on a team where my dad’s good friend was the coach, so all is well. I remember this like yesterday.
It ended up selling like 7,000-10,000 copies in that first week which is not an insignificant number for independent vinyl retailers.
Wow. You can practically hear when you are reading it that it fucking KILLS this website to write anything positive about Swift.
Yeah...and? Good for her. As long he loses something I am perfectly fine with it. And just because he is an asshole doesnt mean she is one.
Sorry but to judge her, because of him is bullshit and doesnt make any sense. If anything it is the same prejudices that people are (rightfully) pissed about at other things. So…
Lady Gaga canceled her Chromatica listening party to…tell people to register to vote?? No offense to electoral politics, but—actually, wait. No. Full offense to electoral politics!!!! Telling people to respond to state-sponsored racist violence by registering to vote so that they can participate in an election five…
One of the textbooks for this class is available on Apple Books, but it’s also linked to my student account, so idk if you would have access to it. The textbook is “Public Health Law and Ethics” edited by Lawrence Gostin & Lindsay Wiley. If you are able to access it online, you could do a keyword search for “police…
Do not mess with Chrissy!!!!
I'm concerned that you think your opinion on a woman's body matters.