
I am so emotionally invested in Wells Adams and Sarah Hyland living happily ever after. He was the best of all Bachelorette options and even better when he came on BIP as the bartender. Sarah came out of an abusive relationship, and I want the best for her.


Penis size varies in the same way as vaginal size. Sometimes you get a better response from a big penis, sometimes you get a better response with a small penis. That’s kind of my take away from my history of sexual encounters. Sometimes things link up really well, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes skill and technique

I catered a wedding where the bride’s dad and step dad were like best friends. They went on camping trips together, without the rest of the family. It was the coolest and sweetest thing ever. They obviously both walked her down the isle and the speeches made me, a total stranger with a heart of stone, cry. 

“There is no such thing as adult mac and cheese, adult mac and cheese does not exist. Adults exist and mac and cheese exists, and sometimes adults eat mac and cheese, but in the same way that making a pizza with “good” sauce and “fancy” cheese doesn’t mean there’s suddenly a categorically age-specific difference

Stuck in my apartment afraid to go outside and watching tiger king just like everybody else.

They’re actors, grandma.

And then the costumer was immediately fired and put in prison, right? Please say yes.

Timberlake should have kept his dick in a box.

A metoidioplasty is a surgery that some trans men opt for in place of a phalloplasty (the creation of a phallus). It largely involves cutting some ligaments that hold the clitoral structure close to the body - gives it some greater length, basically. You can google it; it’s the more common option for trans men who

My wife used the hypnobirth method and they (or at least our teacher) admit in the first class how they know the name is dumb, but it really worked! My wife used a midwife in a hospital and opted out of any pain meds, she went into the deep breathing and just stayed in this meditative state the whole time. It was the

Taylor can do what the hell she wants.

Or Taylor Swift just doesn’t give a fuck about the Grammy’s because her mom has a brain tumor and her cancer is back? I’m not a Taylor fan but I’m so tired of unnecessarily shitting on women's decisions when we have no insight into the decisions they’re making. Who gives a fuck if she didn't go to the Grammy's? Who

I love a handwritten note and think it’s classy as hell. I’d rather be a try-hard than a too cool for school, try-nothing.

Im always in the greys, but as a current museum studies student who helped unionize the last museum I worked at, I feel like the target audience for this article.

I want him to be edited out of gov’t.

Cardi B, violent attacker of women, drugger of people, transphobe ... and favorite of Jezebel, a supposedly feminist website.

You didn’t invite The Salty Waitress to guest write this one?