Yes, if Trump is afraid of Comey, now Comey has nothing to lose by coming forward with information about Trump in exchange for witness immunity.
Yes, if Trump is afraid of Comey, now Comey has nothing to lose by coming forward with information about Trump in exchange for witness immunity.
Oh yeah, Trump definitely fired Comey over the way he handled Hillary’s emails, giving the election to Trump. It DEFINITELY has nothing to do with the FBI investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. Definitely...
Reminder that men who choke their partners are 10 times more likely to eventually kill them. It is frequently used as an indicator of extreme danger.
As GOP reps are called on to defend their votes (especially after the CBO scores the bill), I’ll bet this is not even close to the worst we hear from them. They fucked up because they needed a “win”, and now they’re going to flail about trying to explain it.
Wait-- is that the same dumbass Mark Sanford that said he was hiking the Appalachian Trail or some shit when really he was just cheating on his wife with his Argentinian lover? Former governor or something? People are still electing that shitbag to office?
I’m going to print a couple of these out and mail them to the House of Representatives
I imagine if I’d fucked over as many people as he has, I’d be paranoid, too. lol
Saves money by requiring full security details in New York and Jersey! And then people wonder how this fuckwit could bankrupt a casino in 15 months?
They just want carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want to/in/with foreign countries, without having to answer for it.
I got as far as his bit on Deuteronomy and started seeing flashing lights out of the corners of my eyes.
He’s a man. Of course he has an ego.
Sarandon has bugged me since she and Tim Robbins hijacked the Oscars with their sanctimonious Haiti speech a million years ago. Even if I (mostly) agree(d) with them politically, they really were the personification of smug rich white folks, totally out of touch and thinking they…
Looks like one of those genetic blanks from “The 6th Day”
She’s the reason I haven’t watched Feud yet. Her face annoys me because she has yet to stop being pompous and idiotic about politics in a public forum.
Susan Sarandon is a BernieBot who was and remains comfortable not voting for Hillary because as a rich white famous person, none of this affects her in the slightest. Fuck her.
Motherfuckers control the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, and still can’t get anything done! And want a shutdown to “fix” things.
I love how he says something that’s clearly factually incorrect and then takes to Twitter to pretend he didn’t actually say the stupid thing he said, everyone else just misunderstood him.
I bet Sessions has heard that involuntary pity laugh every time he’s dropped his pants in front of a woman.
I hope there’s someone laughing at every public event he’s at.