Slapping a car is the common gesture for “Hey! You are the driver I have been waiting for, but you appear to be passing by without seeing me!”
Slapping a car is the common gesture for “Hey! You are the driver I have been waiting for, but you appear to be passing by without seeing me!”
Today, John McCain is doing something “heroic” or “tough” or “badass,” according to a certain echo chamber of…
I haven’t checked yet but MichaelK at Dlisted has an eyebrow obsession and I hope this photo didn’t elude his critique!
“Trump, who was not a Boy Scout, got thousands of Boy Scouts to boo former President Obama, who was a Boy Scout, by suggesting that Obama never attended the National Scout Jamboree, even though he addressed the event in 2010 with a special video message in honor of the organization’s 100th anniversary.” ~ Trump is…
I generally consider Baptists, reformed and Pentecostals to be evangelical protestants and Methodists, Lutherans, and Episcopalians to be “normal” protestants. It may seem like I am splitting hairs, but I never had a Methodist, Lutheran, or Episcopalian pastor tell me my gay cousin was going to hell, I’m sinning…
Well it will if it’s on Obamacare according to Trump.
Also, did anyone else see the clip where Trump claimed people have been “suffering” under ObamaCare for the last SEVENTEEN years? This schmuck can’t even read from a prepared statement correctly.
How can boys look up to a fictional shapeshifting alien if said alien has tits?
Maybe the Hair and Makeup person could also do something about all the brown on Scaramucci’s nose.
If ‘Snuck a peekover the divider’ means ‘held it for Putin like he was told’ I totally agree.
Well, it’s always a learning experience to find out what, among the bizarre rants of Trump, he actually means and what is just random neural firings. Yesterday, it seemed like Sessions would surely be gone, but, of course, this is Trumpland, so what would normally happen after a public declaration of lack of faith…
Sessions has to stay. If he left, and tried to go back to his old seat, he would have to fight incumbent Senator Luther Strange, who at 6 feet 9 inches, is the tallest member of the Senate.
Jeff Sessions this morning was like watching my grandparents try to understand what a computer was.
Heimbach also was charged a $145 fine and sentenced to 90 days of jail time. However, District Court Judge Stephanie Pearce Burke waived the jail sentence as long as Heimbach does not commit any additional offenses over the next two years.
But he faces no actual punishment but some community service and a “don’t get in trouble” probation. Because apparently neo-Nazis still somehow get friendly treatment from the judicial system.
I don’t think children should be punished for the sins of their parents, but they also damn well shouldn’t profit from them. And no one is going to convince me that she’d have this fancy schmancy business if her father hadn’t been a murderous tyrant.
When someone confesses to a crime in court, they’re being transparent too. Transparency does not equal innocence, you dumb fucking assholes.