The devil will be ice skating in hell before you hear from Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III about this case. He doesn’t give a fuck. He probably already stopped by the police station and high-fived these murderous motherfuckers.
The devil will be ice skating in hell before you hear from Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III about this case. He doesn’t give a fuck. He probably already stopped by the police station and high-fived these murderous motherfuckers.
Polo and hypertension
So many of my comments in real life and here and elsewhere on the web boil down to “Jesus, look at this fucking asshole right here”, and I mean to one day change that and cleanse myself of this all-consuming hatred, but Jesus, look at this asshole right here.
There’s a lot of pieces talking about how Trump is struggling in negotiations because negotiations in the context of government policies is different than negotiations in business.
1. The great negotiator really screwed the pooch with negotiating his budget. I know it only lasts until September, but good god, what did he get that he wanted? Does he know how negotiating works? Good news for people with a pulse, though.
The fact that he’s so against exercise might be the motivation for me to start.
It was even worse than that. The article states:
Is it a passel, a murder, a flock, or a herd of assholes?
His voice is like if a gamergater’s penis could talk.
I’m sure Jared made the call, he’s in charge of everything else.
I couldn’t imagine that Trump came up with “Deface the Nation,” so I googled it. Sure enough, Mark Levin did it first. Our president is stealing jokes.
Totally. I mean look at the access Hollywood video. The GOP were more horrified by the word pussy than a presidential candidate bragging about sexual assault.
Nah, fuck ‘em. Fuck all this “need to be nicer to the fucking morons” shit that the left has been pushing in elections. If the alt-right wants a war to prevent them from installing fascism, then let’s give them a war.
If ever there was a problem that needed to be solved by a good old fashioned ass kicking....Milo is that problem.
Piece of shit saw an opportunity to hit a woman and took it.
The budget leaves out border wall funding and continues to cover healthcare subsidies that go to lower income Americans under the Affordable Care Act.
I currently hope that he is in a “deep state” of shock.
They meant everyone else BUT them.
Lincoln assassination...Obama. Pearl Harbor...Obama again. Spanish Inquisition...take a guess.
Donald Trump thinks a “high risk pool” is when there’s a black person swimming at Mar-A-Lago.