It’ll be interesting to see how fast the facade drops if he has to go to court for any of this.
It’ll be interesting to see how fast the facade drops if he has to go to court for any of this.
Bingo. It’s only about Comet to avoid a lawsuit, not anything to do with Hillary.
The parents look related to one another (I mean before presumably being husband and wife).
He seems to only have conceded the child sex ring in the pizza parlor part, not the idea that Hillary was involved in a child sex ring.
Yes, but I don’t mind as the content here (in my opinion) is worth having to scroll a bit.
This is a non-apology.
I made comments about Mr. Alefantis that in hindsight I regret, and for which I apologize to him.
That jiggling psycho is only apologizing because now infowars is being investigated in the russia thing. He’s not genuinely sorry. Btw Alex, when are you gonna get around to apologizing for making sandy hook survivors and family members lives a living hell?
The backwordsness of the whole thing is what boggles me. You’d think that the sort of older conservatives that elected Trump would be the first to line up against “those damn commies”. Then again, I thought that the christian wing would have a pretty big problem supporting a guy who keeps ordering wives out of a…
Because all that really, truly matters here is the money.
It’s my pal, Trey “Jughead” Gowdy! I barely recognize him without his Senate bestie Jason “Pig-nosed Dog-fucker” Chaffetz.
I think Phyllis Schlafly would be miserable in Gilead but she’d never, ever admit it. She probably thought she’d be exempt from the misogynist policies of her husband and his ilk. No, honey, they mean you too.
If you’re a Conservative woman you are not allowed to have your own thoughts and autonomy over your body. What she said should have been ok for them. She might as well have said “I personally wouldn’t have an abortion but that is supposed to be MY choice, not the government’s. It should be my call.” Yet they still…
Far-right commentator Tomi Lahren, who recently said on The View that her preference for “limited government” extended to abortion—“stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well”—has reportedly been suspended from The Blaze after a huge conservative backlash and a public hammering from her boss Glenn…
Sadly they are not. They’re piling on. Conservative women hate women too.
Thank you. He is such a shithead. It’s such a shame too, because Galaxy Quest is such a great metaphor for resistance. It’s like we’ve heard and said these things about freedom and rebellion for so long. Our rights are invoked so often over nonsense, like truck ads, they sound trite and hollow. But they are real. It’s…
Alan Rickman would have his head. Maybe he knew, even back then, what a shitheel Allen would turn out to be...
I mean...if he’s having such a tough time, he’s perfectly free to go away. Forever.
By Grabthar’s hammer, what a shithead.