Basket of Inoperables

So who pooped in the bed?


The same people who support Trump will complain that “welfare cheats” are ruining our country. And this will not make them reconsider their position.

He looks like a Navy Seal action figure came half-way to life.

That’s the first time I’ve seen a Navy Seal with that much botox.

I believe Trump’s people refer to it as a sheriff’s star.

This is some peak white nonsense right here. He tried to do what lots of white male artists do: Use another, oppressed groups’s images, add some scribbles, and call it art. When questioned about it, he can’t really articulate why he isn’t just another white man using Black bodies to be edgy, shocking, controversial,

I get the feeling that electing judges might not be the best way to select objective arbiters of the law.

This is the second time this fuckstain has been suspended for, effectively, thinking that his personal religious beliefs supersede the law. You know, that law that he’s supposed to be the arbiter of. I’m hoping this is really the last we hear of him, but then again he got reelected after the first time, so...

Shhhhh. That’s supposed to be on the down low.

So, he’s gay, right?

This reminded me of this:

See, and here I was thinking someone else had to have tweeted it because I refuse to believe Donald Trump knows the words “paragon” or “virtue.”

Maybe that’s the only time he can get his phone back from his aides? Serious question: how much of his constant attacks on Machado are a heavy handed attempt to frighten other women who have also been mistreated by him from going public?

One and the same. If she hadn’t done that stupid stunt I would have been more willing to give her the benefit of the doubt

Yeah, I don’t like him as her partner. I didn’t like that remark and I don’t like his choreography.

Yeah, Maks is kind of an asshole.

I loved when in the intro episode and Amber met her dance partner and she said she was excited because she had been an exotic dancer. He sneered and said condescendingly “that’s not the kind of dancing we do here”. Uh step down dude. Have you ever seen your own show??? That’s pretty much the only dancing you do


Is Julianne the same bitch that wore blackface for a costume?