Basket of Inoperables

““I just realized I’m not the only athlete up here. As you all know, earlier this year Ann Coulter won the Kentucky Derby.” — Peyton Manning”
That’s a crap comment about her appearance. I do approve of all the others.

Of course he is.

Ann Coulter doesn’t have the stamina to be a professional troll. Have you seen her lately? Something’s really wrong with her, a lot of people are saying. Had to cancel an event. Sad!

Cheating: The New Negotiating

But look at what a brilliant businessman he is. He essentially “negotiated” a deal that got 30 grand knocked off the price of those pianos, and there was nothing the poor chump could do about it!

So, wait, you’re saying when ol’ Donnie signs a contract, he’s not telling it like it is??

Be careful, Rudy’s house must be made of bullet proof glass.

Or the whole “let’s have a terrorism drill. What? Everything went to shit? Better cancel any further drills so we don’t get embarassed again!” bullshit.

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

To be fair, he wanted it there because it was a convenient place to cheat on his wife.

So, the Republican party only believes a woman has ever been actually sexually harassed if it is done by a Democrat in the White House. Got it.

At least Hillary Clinton wasn’t stupid enough to put the New York City Office of Emergency Management into the World Trade Center against the recommendation of the FBI.

Did he really say that, or is this a joke? At this point I can’t tell anymore.

Even those fuckers at Fox are starting to realize the kind of monster they’ve created. We are truly living through some interesting times, folks.

I love how their faces kind of collectively freeze as he starts to talk about Ms. Universe having “gained a lot of weight.” Like they’re all thinking “Shut up shut up SHUT UP WHAT ARE YOU DOING.”

Am I the only one really confused by this vehement denial that he had “the sniffles”?! I mean, sorry dude, the whole world watched you twitch and sniffle--bad mic (?) or not, it wasn’t manufacturing the sound AND FACIAL MOVEMENT of man sniffling.

Well, all of the kitchen ones, obvi, given she’s a woman. But Trump will push hard for the BBQ vote.

Lmfao even the mic is conspiring against him now! What appliances are going #withher next??

You don’t think a former senator, first lady, and secretary of state with a solid record is a viable candidate?

Somebody at CBSN is fucking sick of the bullshit.