Daniel Ortberg gives fantastic advice, I really enjoy reading DP now that Yoffe is no longer attached to it.
Daniel Ortberg gives fantastic advice, I really enjoy reading DP now that Yoffe is no longer attached to it.
She is such a self-righteous shit-heel. When Daniel Ortberg took over Dear Prudence, it took me a long time to even think about reading the column, because all I knew it as was “that place where Emily Yoffe calls women sluts”. She’s a complete and utter Serena Joy who is so filled with fucking malice that she’ll…
I guess if you take out areas like Yemen, Syria, Central and South American countries...and even then the 1st world areas aren’t looking so hot either. I was referencing global activities, where LGBT members are routinely killed (and no, I’m not only referencing “Muslim” countries as radicalized Christians are…
Shit, if they want to put on SS uniforms and swatika armbands they shouldn’t be surprised when soemone mistakes them for nazis.
I’m not sure that I would go that far-keep in mind that a lot of TERFs are also lesbians, and that many believe in “political lesbianism”, i.e. being a lesbian as a way to keep men out of their life.
Honestly, I think TERFs (at least female TERFs) have a lot of internalized misogyny. They hate the fact that they are women because of the influence of the patriarchy and they can’t believe anyone would willingly choose to be a woman. Even though they might consider themselves feminist they’ve still absorbed the…
TERFs have been working hard at teaming up with far-right assheads in order to mess with trans folks, so it’s no surprise they keep getting mistaken for being far-right assheads.
Are TERFs the dumbest group of people on the planet?
Nah, they hate being called TERFs*, so I call them TERFs.
Yeah that’s the crazy part about all of this... if the SCOTUS rules against her, it essentially allows cis women to be fired for being “insufficiently feminine”, i.e. butch. So the radfems who claim to be so critical of gender and constantly whine that trans people are “reifying gender” would effectively be…
This shit gives me heartburn. The case law is exceedingly clear. The precedent for gender stereotyping = sex discrimination is miles thick and decades old - Price Waterhouse was decided 30 years ago. Discrimination against trans workers for being trans falls *exactly* under what Price Waterhouse says is unlawful sex…
And lots of people work but do not have jobs. I’m thinking of stay-at-home elder-care. This is happening more and more due to demographics. The abililty to afford paying thousands a month to nursing homes is outside of most family’s capabilities. So the aging parent stays home and the rest of the family tries their…
Yippee! Congrats :)
It was such an amazing cast. It’s why I kept watching. But, oh boy, did it get bad.
The cast was so great - I wanna get excited about Generation Q but I’m so leery. I don’t trust it.
(Disclaimer; I’m queer, but not trans)
When the L Word was first airing I was young and fairly ignorant when it came to trans issues. (Not hostile but uneducated.) But even then I still thought the show’s storyline for their sole trans character, Max, was beyond offensive to trans people.
This all makes me think about how few trans man movies there are -- the only one I can think of is Boys Don't Cry and that is v tragic and now old. Any other recs from people reading this?
Adam is a movie about—stay with me here—a cis teenage boy, Adam (Nicholas Alexander), who pretends to be a trans man in order to sleep with a slightly older queer girl, Gillian (Bobbi Salvör Menuez). It’s based on a 2014 book by Ariel Schrag, a cartoonist who did a stint writing for The L Word and who wrote the…
So this book/movie is basically “a penis can ‘cure’ a lesbian” ? Via throwing trans people under the bus too?