Kitties, Stars and Glitter!

As a very devout Buddhist I am rather pissed at my church for not taking a stand on the various “religious discrimination” nonsense laws/decisions. Because our religion’s deeply held beliefs are in equality, tolerance, acceptance, joy and freedom. Bigotry and discrimination are literally against my religion, and our

The truth is probably some version of that he is a really great special effects director who created an accidental masterpiece in large part because the original trilogy is mostly comprised of Lucas just stealing stuff from other places (which is a legitimate Modernist technique.)

TGP doesn’t need to trick you, even when they do the purpose is purely character-driven (such as S1's main conceit.)

I doubt this is just about drinking. neither my partner nor I drink, but I have realized an overreliance on the ease of internet-facilitated delivery of... everything has helped cement this mindset that “going out is so much work.” When you’re used to “click, click” being the effort needed to accomplish something, a

Some days I feel like the universe is starting to get some of this shit spot on. And then I make the mistake of reading Axios.

I think this will be the straw the breaks our current gen back and brings one of those new machines into our gay little home. My girlfriend is a huge Persona fan, so Last of Us is just more reasons. Tho I am going to fall madly in love with Ellie. I mean, I already kinda did with the trailer.

Oh, hm. Yeah, that kid probably needs and open and honest conversation about the importance of being oneself and not hiding.

Yeah, but can’t you imagine dreaming, idealistic“Candidate Knope” on some larger scale with cynical, sarcastic Liz Lemon pulling the strings behind the scenes as campaign manager or something? Like, that feels like a comedy that writes itself and both character would probably be in a realistic position to have that be

That poor, poor woman. My heart goes out to her. What a nightmare!

“The Curious Case of the Clattering Drawer”

This guy is gonna be crushed. And I sincerely hope this gets written into season of 3 of TGP as a gag.

Seriously, I mean... doesn’t everyone use casual racist slurs and disgusting language at home? This is super normal, right?

Living in the Northeast, I sincerely feel like this is a completely different country due to the state having state-level protections existing so 90% of Trump’s social-engineering nonsense has zero effect here. It is downright bizarre.

This is more so people can maybe see this, but if you have a trans woman character and can’t cast a trans woman actor... cast a fucking cis woman, NOT a cis man. Vice Versa for trans dudes. So easy.

And what do we have behind door #3?

I hate that the context of this is legal, because that is just... ew... no. That is what makes it creepy, because judicial stuff is pretty zero-sum. Ew.

And how do you know that he’s not gay, queer, pan, bi?

I mean, in most deep blue states none of this is an issue. Literally punishing their own base.

I want to say V.S. Naipaul is a good guy. He’s certainly an amazing writer.

Ernest Hemingway