That was the beauty of New Vegas’ map, it wasn’t large at all but it twisted and snaked in such a way that it ended up being a lot bigger than it actually was, by size alone. A great use of space.
That was the beauty of New Vegas’ map, it wasn’t large at all but it twisted and snaked in such a way that it ended up being a lot bigger than it actually was, by size alone. A great use of space.
Also, how in the fuck are you grey?!
Many men were also offended by the word. I do not care about that.
I’ve seen more than one individual with the same black-out sleeves, the one I knew was rather open (to a degree) about needing to just wipe away that hatred. Seeing it on a daily basis had been making his progress in rebuilding a life after hate near impossible.
Ah hah! Was going to post this! Moar stars! All the stars!
I’m straight
It seems the only agency that’s been nice to me is the TSA, and that’s surprising.
Yes, there are terrible trans people that do hate and want to hurt lesbians that don’t sleep with them, but their views aren’t in line with the rest of us.
Miss Mercedes, always my hero! <3
Because your faux outrage and bigoted concern trolling have no place in an inclusive, queer, feminist space.
Also, I feel attacked.
omg my girlfriend and I LOST IT at that scene!
OMG That is the indomitable Captain Holt from the amazing Brooklyn 99! He is played by the insanely talented Andre Braugher.
I enjoy your ideas and would like to sign up for the newsletter :P
Holt can come. But he better be out of uniform and he better bring Kevin and Cheddar. Also, he must make approving-but-diminutive comments on everyone’s dress, ET-style.
Well, there’s an inherent quandary in the “Should we allow cops at Pride?” question.
So like, are we at a place where he is just openly admitting to and pining for further obstruction of justice without any pretense?
I swear to god people should be required to have a signed, notarized statement from a trained religious professional before making such proclamations. Want to make claims on doctrine and the nature of Jesus? Get a fucking div degree and go to town.