
I’m arguing that we, and players, have no control over what a game is and is not. That’s it.

Why did you buy a game in dev in the first place?

I’m arguing that we should enjoy games for what they are instead of pining over what they AREN’T.

If they gave a “straight answer” you wouldn’t even understand and then you’d find yet another way to fuck them over.

They can always not buy the game. That’s an option.

Sure, so NMS is the latest in a line of games that promised big and then didn’t follow through.

Your desire is not realistic.

The game never had multiplayer and wasn’t at all designed around multiplayer.

You can buy, or not buy, the product. That’s it.

It isn’t a MP game. People need to play the game they have instead of wanting a game they don’t.

When the response is insane, I don’t think they’re off-base to avoid it.

Just be aware that when you levy serious accusations like that there is an effect. Either enjoy a game or don’t. The middle ground with people wanting games to carter to THEM is ridiculous.

No dev would think that to be a decent solution. They would have cut it months ago if it didn’t actually work.

People understand server issues, every major game has them.

You know what? I enjoy the game I have and not the game I hope it would be.

Sure, except that most people are just as stupid as you claim they aren’t.

Maybe it is more complex? Maybe they’ve tried a number of solutions and none of them worked? Should they come out, release week, and tell people that they suck at this one aspect of the game and lose sales because of it?

And if it’s a server issue, why wouldn’t they just say so?

This is what happens when you play the hype game.

I can’t aim worth shit, so this makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.