
You miss the point entirely. As long as pharma controls the FDA (and they do) none of this is objective.

She is neither “anti-science” nor “anti-vaccination”. These are downright lies.

I don’t have embarrassment over my work from high school at all. If I wrote it now it would be better written and arguments would be more subtle, but I do not have embarrassment for the very serious things I believed. In fact, I’m confident in myself enough to say that I’d still stand behind the logical arguments made

This is what I imagine it’ll feel like being Hamilton Nolan in about ten years.

Mostly because vote-shaming people on the Left has become the newest past-time for centrist corporate Dems.

Why the embarrassment over voting for Jill in 2012?

Why aren’t people more proud of their work? This push to declare earlier thoughts as “stupid” and “embarrassing” speaks to a serious anxiety about one’s own beliefs and concepts.

The only thing this says to me is that you’re in an existential crisis between when you used to have actual ideals and now when you’ve given them up. You have trouble reconciling the person you were and who you are now.

It’s funny ‘cause when I read that line, I was thinking of a quote I read years ago (and can’t find online), said by an African American woman during the ‘60s or maybe early ‘70s. I’m paraphrasing but it was basically: “If I end up cooking grits for the revolutionaries, it ain’t my revolution.”

That’s not incest.

Nothing, really, in that list of real things happening makes me think a survivor of abuse would actually engage in abusive behavior to other people.

That sounds far too much like something Trump would actually say. Sigh.

I think the Secret Service’s new role, at least at Trump campaign events, is protecting citizens from Trump supporters.

Victims of sexual abuse can very often also end up as perpetrators.

Gawker writers have long careers in politics ahead of them.

Why? She’d just lie to you.

Yeah! Google says so!

Well, when your job relies on provoking trolls it gets easier.

Every Gawker writer is a troll.

Millennials would rather die than admit to their bosses they can’t deal with being old.