
LW1 isn’t as “straight” as she thinks she is.

So my partner has been playing a bit and enjoying it, but what I can’t get over is that every time I see people playing it is always the same thing: a beautiful, open area and everyone is hunched over their phone not looking.

All reasonably midrange. Pharah’s rockets have slow travel time and a small burst radius that requires aim. Torb’s arc on projectile makes getting kills tough against a “peek-one-shot” character. Soldier is one of the actual counters, though McCree will win in a long-range shootout every time due to Soldier’s

Yeah, the big thing is that it charges really quickly so it isn’t as powerful as the more striking ults.

If there’s a hero who was needlessly buffed it was McCree. Dying at huge range has never been such a thing in OW aside from snipers.

She’s not at all needing a nerf. We just need to wait for the meta-adjustment.

Nah. She’s not overpowered. In fact, these changes make her competitive.

You do realize the Greens are primarily a state-level organization and run candidates frequently?

That is the clearest “Guilt by Association” fallacy I have ever come across.

I’m sorry you’re a status-quo voter.

Kinda how you like to ignore how Clinton worked tirelessly over the course of multiple decades to silence, humiliate and blackmail the victims of Bill’s numerous assaults?

So is Bill Clinton. And Hilary Clinton engaged in protracted, nearly life-long efforts to silence, humiliate and blackmail her husband’s victims.

Okay, so these two statements are really at odds:

Yeah. That second paragraph quoted above doesn’t actually answer the questions.

Wow was I confused. I thought this was going to be about The Black Death and got excited. Then That last line in the lead really threw me. Crusader Kings..? wait.

I’ve wanted to hollow out an old NES, add some usb ports, throw in a Pi+oldHD and load it with all the games I have sitting in boxes somewhere.

It was specifically after the War on Terror that police departments began buying up large quantities of surplus military gear for next to nothing.

We don’t because the label “Terrorist” is one of the many tools employed by police departments and state to immediately and without examination create sensation designed to garner specific pre-formed conclusions.

He was a Socialist who took on some very aggressive positions on income inequality.

He was labeled a terrorist due to his support of Socialism and his shift, later, toward directly addressing economic issues.