
It can be partially traced to the militarization of police departments since the advent of the “War on Terror”. Police are receiving the top-down mentality that it is an “us vs. them” fight and that their purpose is to strongarm.

Fuck the police.

What you do in school matters little. Who you know and what school you hold a degree from are what really matter.

Wasn’t the talking point during the primaries that free tuition was a pipe-dream, pie-in-the-sky policy? Or is that only if Sanders suggests it?

Clinton will succeed in scoring victories for people like her daughter and her daughter’s hedge fund manager husband while maintaining the status quo of expanding wealth inequality. We have the party of crazy and the party of big business. Something has to break.

That all said, it has been suggested that as PotUS was included in many of the email chains, they’re declining in part to keep Obama out of it.

Well, you have to remember the sysadmin took an immunity deal. You don’t do that unless there’s an open-and-shut case.

Not exactly. The sysadmin took an immunity deal which is about as close to confirmation they had a case against him as possible.

No. But that is because the sysadmin turned state’s evidence and received immunity. Otherwise he’d certainly be the sacrificial lamb.

Basically, he was pointing out that Clinton lied. Not just about a little detail, but consistently throughout the entire process Clinton has straight-up lied in every interview she gave concerning the emails.

She wasnt breaking the law.

Yeah, I don’t know why Hamilton is some figure, now.

Nah I’m mostly a troll.

I wish the people I loved ended up focusing on the good as opposed to the bad.

Pretty much.

I’m pretty sure President #1 killed the idea of a standing army and if you want an armed populous you should have to arm wrestle the ghost of Washington. Hint: You don’t in against a ghost.

There exists no real argument that undocumented workers do harm. Every economic study shows the nation would collapse without them.

Don’t forget the state and federal taxes. Small peanuts individually, but when this happens a million+ times a year it adds up. Just another tax avoidance scheme by the same people who like to point toward our underfunded schools as reasons not to fund them.

I can say that the problem with our politicians is that the Dems finally found their backbone... to give more power to DHS without oversight.

This is so heartwarming.