Likely by renouncing Islam, if you actually want to go good for people.
Likely by renouncing Islam, if you actually want to go good for people.
So... “I broke Ramadan because I’m better than Ramadan.” So clear.
My sister got to see Hamilton last night. On her birthday. Because her amazing boyfriend spent about 8 months slowly setting it up. Most amazing part (for everyone who didn’t get to see the show?) her boyfriend finagled a way where they didn’t have to pay a dime. I don’t know how it happened, exactly, but it was some…
They’re all too rich to ever be charged with “murder”. “Manslaughter”, at best.
I accept nothing more than a total gun ban.
So, I’m always damaged?
Because she’s a Clinton? When a Democracy ends up with one indvidual they keep electing it is a threat. Such as with FDR... whom, it should be noted as a specific event, she doesn’t agree with.
Mostly because she and her daughter pull multi-million dollar paydays out of being named “Clinton”.
Well, when the Tea Party insisted that the GOP represent that which the stated they represented it was the end.
Awesome. So pray tell me all the families who hold political office while Black. Tell me whey someone who called black men “super-predators” and has not walked that belief back even after intense scrutiny, is the “leftist” candidate you desire.
Okay. Because the policies they present are far behind any global concept of progressiveness.
Yes. I did.
Do you know who says “Fuck off LOL”? people who can afford to say “fuck off”.
You too. You should also “fuck off”.
Didn’t he? Like... this is the definition of “throwing it against the wall”.
So when Clinton is shown to hate black people... she’s the savior ot black people?
Please show yourself off.
Yep. Claiming an identity she has no right to and then being really offensive about it. Totally our 21st century politician.
Trump has run under the GOP banner for cycles after cycles. We forget he ran every election.
Do you know how shitty that is? You’re not a “Black American” You’re fucking “American”.