
Go play in traffic.

You’re not at all crazy.

Well, let us be real and realize tat DNC politicians are being just as awful here.

I don’t want this to be an apology, but it may come off as such.

Seriously. When white women can’t understand that their befit is Black family’s terror... sure. You’re a privileged white person who has no idea that black people go through. And if you dismiss the challenges faced by black people you’re a Herman Cain.

If Bernie won the popular vote and delegates we’d be leaving people like you in the dust as we brought the DNC back to the party of FDR.


No, I’m saying that the Broadway show being given every awesome accolade is also just as classicist and racist because they’re a part of the class who don’t recognize that they could just not play the insane capitalist game and offer tickets at real prices for the almost half of Black households who live under the

You deciding not to take me seriously because you think I‘m not serious is the core of the issue.

I don’t think there are enough dead-by-poverty black people to make a white person care.

Isn’t that site the definition of bullying?

Or maybe he’ll reject Clinton’s Corporatism and go Bull Moose. One is a bad thing for the moderate-left and the other is a good thing for the 45% of Black kids in poverty who Clinton wants to get sub-minimum wage jobs and zero education so her white daughter and white hedge-fund son-in-law aren’t threatened.

She said she thinks Black kids are super-predators without a conscience.We wanted to “bring them to heel”.

Now playing

She convinced a crazy number of Black Americans to vote against their interest for someone who thinks this of them:

I know. Why can’t we unite under liberal tenets instead of thinking that uniting under Conservative ideas is normal?

Deep down you... god damnit.

Someone who better represents the party line of “fuck you, I got mine?”

Jesus. Can you do something other than engage with your own ego? Because obviously because I prefer a Democratic Socialist to a proven Corporatist I’m... reactionary?

Well, we’re looking at an American political system dominated by two families for over twenty years. Many monarchical dynasties last less time.

And Clinton’s emails show that he tried to stick to his guns and Clinton, herself, led the charge for every conservative-tinged failure of the Obama administration.