
You realize that your acceptance of political platforms as mutable shit is because people like Clinton will reverse positions to get votes?

Can you provide sources to show my “misinformation”?

It is the only reasons so-called “liberals” can justify their support of a conservative.

As long as she ups her daughter’s income she sees it as a win.

Hey, go fuck yourself. You were never a Bernie supporter and your toxicity here is amazing.

“The pretty bitch” inside of you seems to think that Clinton is an actual leftist. She isn’t. She thinks Black people are scum.

Actually, from all accounts he received a standing ovation from the (I think) progressive caucus as he returned recently.

When the pool is “people who can afford $600-$1,000 tickets”... yeah, that excludes a vast majority of the 42 million Black people in America. 28% percent are under poverty line; 45% of Black children live in poverty.

No, it is racist to laud the very, very few rich Black families as some kind of counter-argument to why we should see Hamilton’s success as anything other than every further cultural Imperialism.

1/4 of them meet the ludicrous definition of poverty (which is far too low) at a whopping demographic “best” of ~28% of black households being under the poverty line. Hispanic households lag a little with only ~26% in poverty.

Now playing

Bern is always only on the side of Bern. Just trying to milk it for more money and attention.

That’s something that only happened in the 90's with Nintendo leading the new wave of game-crazy.

Hah. Like a person with mental health issues can ever call law enforcement? They’re more likely to kill me or arrest me than help in any way.

yeah. Shelters laugh at men.

And it seems clear that Schumer’s head got BIG.

Yeah, exactly. And Tig has to have some resentment over the fact that Amy Schumer’s thing is basically stuff she appropriated from far more talented women. I think the first season of Inside was genuine, but ever since then she’s just been coasting.

I’ve found Schumer to be less and less funny with every year she is in the spotlight. From stealing jokes to being the epitome of “boo hoo me” Feminism... I just don’t find her that funny anymore.

Thank you.

God, if she’d help around the house I don’t care what it would take.

This was a hate crime, not a terrorist act.