
I stand by my statement. You, as well, should go play in traffic.

Your comment makes no sense.

The part where the producers (white men) gain a lot of money while stars still struggle.

I’m a kid in public schools.

If they want their audience to be more than “white folks with poor guilt complexes” Then they need to start opening it up for people who can’t pay $1k per ticket.

If they actually were engaged with what they’ve used to sell the show to rich white people? Then we wouldn’t see them complacent with prices that ensure only

And “regular Joes” still can’t see the show. What is being loved as a racial barrier break is just a bunch if white people who did something they can feel good about for a moment.

How about we start to realize that a clandestine organization like the CIA has no place in the world we live in.

Gun Control fails because every time there’s a shooting “liberals” rush toward shooting brown people.

You’re obviously a terrorist for suggesting this.

Whatever. We’d going to engage inn the same bigotry pre and post.

In actuality, I am concerned about Squid. And there is nothing I can do.

I’m awaiting the eventual Netflix release. Someone is sitting there salivating about the licencing agreement.

And I was counter-trolling Flying Squid’s crazy. Which was my only goal because his words are toxic to all of this.

So the next time a victim engages in exactly the kind of auto-behavior to cover for an abuser we should... believe her?

Yeah, me too. I wish I wasn’t in a place where I have trouble working and also don’t meet the requirements for disability. I wish I weren’t in a place where I couldn’t work. I worked since I was 12 years old and not working over the past few years has been the worst.

I love coverage of the new American aristocracy. The most diverse show ever on Broadway is only attainable if you are rich and white.


Yep. I am.

So if a woman says her partner isn’t violent we should just... accept that?

Once again, you prove this is about you. You assume that my statement was about you having different names. I know you. I’M the one with differing names. NOT YOU.