
It isn’t disgusting. This is the first time you have brought up any chronic illness in our conversation. And we’ve done similar under other names.

I do care. And I tell people to “play in traffic” all the time. You were far from the only one.

You need to see a therapist. You need get medication. I say this as a depressive person who knows that saying “I’ll kill myself!” is about attention and affirmation.

Thank you. Squid seems... very wanting for attention. And claiming suicide is one means of getting attention after being a toxic ass didn’t end up as they wanted.

I think Kinja people should be concerned that someone who engages so much is threatening to kill themselves. Is this what it comes down to? Agree with you or you’ll kill yourself?

I know all of this and the reality is that I’m a housepartner who has no career. I’ll take the person who is willing to support me over the person who kicks me out.

He... he thinks he suffers from... “suicide disease”? What kind of bullshit is that?

Can you quote (as you insisted I do) where I told you to “kill yourself”?

Oh I know. I just get a lot of smiles out of out-trolling the resident trolls when they spend lots of time on me. And I’m a troll, myself, so there’s a certain white-hat element to this.

Why are you a Trump supporter? Why are you a pedophile? We need answers to these questions and NOT answering them means you’re what we think you are... a kid diddler.

Seriously, why are you saying that I killed someone? I didn’t and I never would. Why are you a Trump supporter? Why are you a pedophile? We need answers to these questions and NOT answering them means you’re what we think you are... a kid diddler.

I mean, why do you lie about everything? Everything you post is a lie. You’re just a liar!

So no quote then. Got it. It was a lie. Why did you lie?

Go play in traffic.

Yeah. I think you’re very realistic about this. Seriously, someone who nailed Jack Sparrow (because he, himself, is very Jack Sparrow) is now being expected to be... not who he is.

No. I told you to “play in traffic” because that is about the level of actual intelligence you have shown. Like someone who thinks playing in traffic is a good idea.

So when an abused partner says everything is okay, it is okay? Like, don’t you read Jez? Heard’s partner was mortally afraid of what Heard would do if van Ree didn’t publicly quash any worries over Heard’s violent behavior.

So I’m a toxic person

Go play in traffic while you collect your Chinese-laundered check from the Clinton campaign.

Go play in traffic. I know you. You’re Kinja’s resident Hillbot and a toxic person, yourself.