KittensAndUnicorns_v2_The Uprising

No one should be held to the abysmally low moral standards of the Alabama Republican Party. Everyone needs to be better than them.

Any apology that places the burden of offense on the aggrieved party is by definition not an apology. It can be an excuse, or an explanation, or an attempt to reach common ground... but it’s not an apology.

“I can’t say I haven’t done that. I’m very sorry if these women experienced that.”

He only feels terrible because he got caught.

55 year old men who do that are not neophytes. That pose spoke to his worldview, and you bet your ass it was a power trip. That photo was meant to humiliate her. Did you not read the original article and her account?

And then?

In 1989, my godmother was taking a shower, when she looked up and saw a huntsman spider roughly the size of a dinner plate right above her head. She thought, ‘no worries, I will just calmly and quietly finish up this shower before he has a chance to move.’ Right at that moment, the Newcastle earthquake stuck, rattling

When has a guy ever let a woman know he genuinely cares about by springing out at her naked? It doesn’t happen. This isn’t about seduction. It’s about mistaking someone’s powerlessness in a situation for his own sexual prowess. It’s abusive and pathetic.

Seriously! Along with a second Franken accuser, Charlie Fucking Rose?!!!! Motherfucking hell, what an self-entitled asshole.

In the morning, Thrush sent me an apologetic email. I didn’t save it, but I recall it as similar to the one he would later send to Padró Ocasio’s friend in June. He said he was sorry, but he didn’t say for what, exactly.

Are men just...allergic to giving good apologies?

Said by exactly the kind of man who doesn’t want to get it with a woman.

I’m listening to the Xtina tribute medley right now and it’s fantastic.

“Lena Dunham” is in the headline. Her name has been in five headlines regarding an incident of rape. The victim and the rapist’s names have been in zero headlines. I’m sorry if reality upsets you.

Raising my hand as one who is severing ties. I used to say “Lena Dunham isn’t helping.” Now I say “Lena Dunham is actively hurting feminist and progressive issues.”

Counterpoint: Every time Lena Dunham fucks up feminism ALL feminists pay a price. She opens us up to mockery, scorn, and younger women that have been indoctrinated to believe a feminist is some sort of bra burning heathen communist are less likely to stop and listen.

I appreciate this young woman taking a stance and possibly losing a paycheck in the process.

There’s a photo of him miming touching her. His hands don’t touch her and she’s in several layers of kevlar armor. He behaved childishly, and he apologized. Let’s not make false equivalents.

It fits just fine sunce Franken also asked for a Senate hearing into himself. He knows he didn’t do it and she would now like to not have to lie to Congress. So she accepts his apology.