
Bernie or Hillary, who cares? That little man’s ego is so fragile, he’s bound to end up in tears sooner or later. Any crying scenario that washes away Trump’s color blind application of foundation and reveals the scales of the lizard person underneath will be fine by me.

I see what you are saying, and I think it’s valid. But, it’s also true that many people completely forget the plight of women unless it relates directly to women in their own lives, or unless it relates to traditional female roles in society (aka: conjuring up indignation over the mistreatment of “soft” and “gentle”

Exactly. One could argue that Trump will push the republicans to the left. They’ve remained extreme on these issues for all these years because they never come right out and said that they support a lot of racist or sexist legislation and values.

I’m a Sanders supporter and I’m really glad that she set the record straight. I’m not glad because it might hurt her. I’m glad because it shows that the democrats, including our candidates, won’t let this race devolve into what we are seeing on the republican side. It’s right to respectfully call one another out, and

He reminds me of an evil ventriloquist’s doll (sorry if that’s somewhat off topic).

I agree wholeheartedly about the ex! As women we should have a lot more compassion where other people judging your body as “weird”, “gross”, and “inadequate” is concerned.

I will go on and on about my personal sex toy adventures all afternoon, but I don’t tell anyone about how I used them on other people. That’s all I meant. But, honestly, I don’t really feel that passionate about it. It’s a personal choice, and they are getting married so they must like each other’s way of talking

Basically, a random hodgepodge of medical procedures that contain the word “implant” punctuated by a myriad of skin infections and botched surgeries, and finished off with a light sprinkling of totally unappetizing weeners that will put you off craving the male sex for a week. Oh! And for some reason pictures of a

It’s very typical locker room talk to me. “I totally hooked up with Lisa last night and let me tell you, she enjoyed the ride.”

The only contribution I can make to the dirty dad pile is that, whilst organizing my father’s wardrobe one time, I found a pair of red, satin, ostrich feather adorned banana hammock underwear with the cartoon face of an elephant with googly eyes on the front. Guess what was meant to fill out out the satiny red trunk

Do not google “before and after penile implant”. Just trust me on this one.

“She didn’t get to see it that night, but she definitely felt it”


But then again, wouldn’t we all?

That is true in private life, but when you become a sports player for a major university you become an ambassador of that institution. That is why most sports teams make players sign conduct codes. By publicly supporting the expelled student, they were protesting against the policy decision of the university, which

You should probably tell the same thing to the basketball team since they were the first to wear t-shirts and publicly support someone who was involved in an ongoing enquiry. How does a university’s sports team, as representatives of the university, have any place taking the side of a student who was expelled by the

So you think that it’s right for a sports team to wear t-shirts supporting the accused until there is a police investigation concluding his guilt?

Yeah, but that has nothing to do with the team wearing t-shirts that support the guy or failing to emphasize how seriously they take cases of sexual assault, etc. etc. The team could have released a statement that said as much without giving any details of the case or prematurely condemning the accused (before they

College sports basically only exist because they draw in a large donor base, which means schools rely on them for funding. No rich person on the planet wants to attend a fundraiser for, or brag about the donation they made to, the rape-y sports team. It would reflect poorly on their rich person status. Scholarships

If you heard your friend was accused of rape, would your first reaction be to have t-shirts printed? I can see taking the “innocent until proven guilty” hands-off stance, quietly providing support for someone whose word you trust, but t-shirts, really??? That smacks of an agenda of victim shaming and intimidation, and