
The asshole trying to exploit someone’s livelihood to make a vastly pointless political point on the internet that ended up causing the rest of this shit is definitely the biggest asshole

Cashier: “Please just let me do my job and/or leave.”
Other Employee: “Please just leave or I’m calling the cops. Oh, you’re not leaving? Ok, I’m calling the cops.”
Customer: “lol this is gonna be great. I’m gonna get this G-D SJW to write Trump on my cup and he fucking has to. And I’m gonna take a video so the internet

Not saying you specifically. Saying that Hillary/DNC should not have rigged the primary. Bern would be up 25 points by now.

Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently


As a person with clinical depression, and a couple of attempts under my belt, it absolutely disgusts me that people who try to end their life are treated as criminals. And already being imprisoned, and pushing her further down into the pit because of suicide is deplorable. I don’t blame her at all. She is no longer a

Maybe not something that will increase her chances of committing suicide? Unless you embrace the idea of prison as a punishment and not as a rehabilitative effort, in which case I guess the best way to punish her for failing to kill herself is to give her more motivation. I would argue that any “sentencing” of her

You think they aren’t trying?

A. Putting someone in solitary for attempting suicide is batshit crazy behavior, and is utterly common across the prison system.

Where would you propose they get one from?

You attempted to commit suicide so as punishment here’s more suicide!

It just comes back to, “Do you feel that prisoners deserve basic human rights?” If so, Mannings treatment should offend you, if not, then it shouldn’t.

She wants to kill herself so they decide to make her miserable.

Said it before I could. Military prisons (well, prisons, in general) are effed up in soooo many ways.

Ok, 14 days in solitary confinement (which has been proven to make inmates suicidal) to punish an inmate for a suicide attempt. Makes sense.

To quote the government and police, “hey, if you’re not doing anything bad, you have nothing to hide.”

So that makes all the things being released untrue?

Gawker Media on Wikileaks disclosing info on the US gubmint, military, republicans and conservatives - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!