
Right? And it’s not even about “wanting” to commit suicide or making someone “miserable”. The brains of depressed people are physically/structurally altered and the biochemical function of the brain is disrupted. It’s a medical condition. It’s just insane to take someone who is experiencing an illness of a major

Thank you for this! The mental health shaming on this board needs to end now. Depression is a medical condition, just like asthma or diabetes. We would never punish a prisoner who has an asthma attack by taking away their inhaler. It doesn’t matter what that person did to end up in prison, we are not barbarians.

She “broke the rules” by having an illness? Lordy lordy, let’s party like it’s 1899! Depression is a medically diagnosed condition, for goodness sakes! If a prisoner breaks a leg would you suggest that this prisoner be punished by 20 whacks to the leg with a hammer?

Trump being awful does not give any other candidate a free pass on any and all unethical behavior or freedom from public scrutiny.

Do you feel the same way about youtube or facebook? These sites also contain thousands and thousands of links to malware.

“Dozens of malware links” is really not that many malware links for a site with hundreds of thousands of user generated content items. That’s actually a fairly low number. There are far more malware links on youtube, for example.

I’ve felt the same way. We have a golden opportunity to flesh out the ideology and future vision of the party, since democrats are almost guaranteed to win this time around. Restocking from the marketplace of ideals ensures the vitality and long term sustainability of the party (look at the crumbling GOP if you want

I don’t think a lot of republicans are concerned about an inclusive social justice dialogue and full democratic representation.

Nope. I’m not lumping anyone together. I’m pointing out that this is another identity politics smear, which is largely what the Clinton campaign is based on (apart from playing the numbers and exploiting voter suppression laws). They’ve been doing this since 2008 when they came up with “Obama Boys”. They tried to

OK, keep race baiting rather than talking about the issues...

I feel like you are trying to downplay the message in an effort to attack Dawson because you don’t like her political affiliations.

This protest is about increasing voter participation through reforms. Protesting is fundamentally American, and it’s the foundation of our democracy.

I think common sense tells us that it’s probably not every protestor who came to the rally. I’m saying that as a person who protests a lot. They generally just fill up the vans and then let everyone else go when they run out of room.

I think we are having a conversation about the validity of the message now and not about the number of protesters. I, for one, think that arresting 400 people in one day (that was the total on Monday) is a pretty big deal. So is arresting 100 on Friday along with whatever came in between.

The argument is that politicians are reliant on big business and large donors if they want to have any chance at competing/getting elected. Because the function of business is to generate wealth, social justice and the environment are not on their agendas, and therefore they don’t ask candidates to push these things

No, those were the figures according to the news. I don’t know if it was the largest mass arrest, but it was actually 400+ people as of monday, so it should be higher by now.

Actually, only 200 people were arrested at tat protest while 400 were arrested at this one. Not that it really matters, but the OP is probably mostly right.

400+ Democracy Spring protesters were arrested, and yes you are right it was one of the largest mass arrests at a DC protest. I don’t know if it was the largest.

I’m sorry that she gave up on what is right.

accesscode is a well known shill either for someone’s super PAC or the GOP. I’m hoping it’s the GOP because I can’t bring myself to believe that someone who is a democrat would attack a woman who advocates for latino voters.