What do squids think about? None of us will ever know
What do squids think about? None of us will ever know
I hope he has a sibling with the middle name Rumple, to complete the reference.
You’re headquartered in New York, where there is a French colonial themed restaurant named Le Colonial. It’s been there for years. Never a word.
This morning I woke up and under my pillow was my cat! I can’t tell if he likes the pressure of my head pushing a pillow into his body while he sleeping or if he’s trying to get me to unknowingly suffocate him while I sleep so that he can frame me for his murder Gone Girl style to teach me a lesson. Really hard to…
Jokes aside, this is far from true. Our attention, memory, perception, and patterns of behaviour have a huge impact on our daily lives and our society, and cognitive psychologists (like this guy) try to figure out how it all works. Psychologists have determined the most and least effective ways of studying (fun fact:…
LMM is a gift that i’m not sure we as a society deserved, but damn am i happy we’ve got him
THE METRIC SYSTEM IS THE TOOL OF THE DEVIL! My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it.
And those of us who just don’t handle it well (thanks to prior needs of zero caffeine ever- I feel your pain)! I’d love to try to learn more about sampling coffee, but never would unless this sort of thing were available. I settle for being a chocolate nerd.
Ummm...a baby in a tiny white trench? With a tiny designer purse? Whose first complete sentence is “It’s handled”? I would die a thousand adorable deaths.
I don’t think I drank enough coffee, because I immediately pictured a baby Olivia Pope at the White House.
“any Muslim should “subjugate their religious beliefs to our Constitution””
See, right here we have a medical professional saying it was probably subarachnoid bleed. This kid’s death, while tragic, was caused by spiders not football.
I want to quickly point out that of course of this woman’s actions were irresponsible and irrational—that’s the nature of phobia, an irrational fear that is debilitating. I have nearly done this for another reason (not spiders) and it’s horrifying. I’ve been locked in rooms by my phobia. Locked out of my house for…
My favorite is Pandemic, but the set up time is pretty complicated. Once you get the hang of it though, it is fun.
They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.
That way, when you do go out to lunch with multiple coworkers and they start quoting Old School at each other (or whatever it is that men bond over), you can counter with your own shared interests.
Ross is the worst. Jealous, overly protective, he’s the original Nice Guy (tm). Like that time he brought the picnic to her office & was all expecting an apology from her when she wasn’t all “that’s awesome”. Ugh. I’d rather she’d ended up with Joey.
I think it should be perfectly acceptable to beat the fuck out of/trample anyone grabbing their carry-ons from the overhead bin during an emergency evacuation.
It came out too dark! Breakfast is RUINED!