kitten menorah shop

You're not supposed to roll the 'r' in croissant, or in any French ever. :D

I took my son to Spiderman, in the theater, a couple of years ago. He started to cover his eyes when Peter and Gwen kissed. I pulled his hands away and told him, "If you can watch the punching and the kicking, you can certainly watch the kissing."

Our local humane society reported they are having a hard time finding people to adopt black cats. The reason? They don't photograph well enough to post online. Pfft!, I say

Risking a mice infestation on an entire building full of innocent bystanders, who have to live there and will eventually have to pay for the pest removal, just because you can't handle being dumped? Not even cheated on, but just dumped? What an utter, absolute, selfish c**t. Why do people applaud behaviour like that?

LOL. I better mark my calendar— come back in 2015 to celebrate the anniversary of the Day I Changed Someone's Mind on the Internet.

I admit, I could never make this look this good:

I'm not that surprised. He's always been a bit of a spazl.

In typical Rick Pitino fashion, the whole thing was over quickly and only one side was satisfied.

But you also have to take into account that for those of us who are child-free by choice, it's pretty fucking infuriating to pay so much fucking money for a plane ticket, only to have to endure the hell that is other people's children.

And it's a problem that could very easily be avoided, if airlines would only have a family section on planes. In the back. Preferably sound-proofed.

Pfft, I am on the mother's side here.

The pressure change makes babies ears hurt badly during a flight. And sometimes a baby has to travel a long distance in a short time, and can't be left behind. We should be more compassionate to other people, it will make the world a better place.


I love this mom. And by love this mom I mean that I really do love her but I'm so glad she's not my mom.

i go to columbia, and we're the strangest mix of people, but after all my battles with the administration over stupid things, i feel like so much of our fighting spirit and idealism gets squashed by the bureaucracy. it's really upsetting.

I love that this dude blames his actions and unlikability on being on the autism spectrum. Plenty of people on the spectrum are perfectly wonderful. You're just a fuckhead, bro.

This is not just Uber.

Thank you! As someone who has an immunocompromised friend, this is SO IMPORTANT!

You're potentially compromising anyone you come in contact with who is an infant, elderly, or immunosuppressed though. It's not just about you getting sick individually: it's about the fact that your body then becomes a breeding ground for the virus, allowing you to become a link between a sick and at-risk person

If you go into labor earlier than expected, you can't help it. Plus precipitous labors (less than 3 hours) are uncommon, most people would have a good amount of time once labor starts to adjust whatever it is they're doing. My 3rd child was a precipitous labor- 90 minutes start to finish. There are a lot of