kitten menorah shop

But the barista can’t read your mind, and therefore cannot tell if you’re one of the people who doesn’t know that “short” is the 4th size and who therefore thinks that “medium” is equivalent to “grande” when it is in fact equivalent to “tall.”

counterpoint: the only way to have the time to knit your own scarves is if someone else is cleaning your house and walking your dogs

What would be an appropriate amount for a holiday tip to the food-cart guy from whom I get breakfast sandwiches 3 or 4 times a week? We don’t know each other’s names, but he knows my order and starts it as soon as he sees me walking up, even if there’s a line.

I’ve seen Cats, both as a kid and as an adult. I even like Cats. I found the trailer for the movie bizarre and off-putting. I cannot be alone.

I’m late to the party, but this:

I read this headline and then scrolled down the page to find Jessica Jones perfectly mirroring my reaction to cold pancakes in a bowl.

Christmas movies make me want to take off my shoes and make fists with my toes.

without at all arguing that this can’t be chalked up to sexism and/or racism (because it certainly could), intellectual snobbery in the tenure process is a classic Harvard move.

you need one of those like you need a gold brick to the head.

that was also basically my read: that she was being wistful about the life she could have had if she wasn’t Queen (but if she was still a very wealthy woman with no need for a day job, which...). I actually didn’t even get the sense that Porchey thought she was talking about him in particular—I assumed he was (a)

I’m not trying to make this about me. That’s not the point of this.

I think it’s an exponential decay curve with a different rate parameter for everyone. which is to say: it’s always hardest at first and then drops off, but it never goes to zero, though it will eventually get close enough to zero that you forget about it for stretches, even long ones. and everyone’s curve is stretched

someone with that skin tone who is exposing a part of their body to the sun daily for long periods with no sunscreen is not going to have fun dermatologist visits once they’re in their 40s and up.

We only had three bits, and we didn’t expect such a RUSH.

8 Earth years, which is approximately 4 transits of the sun for anyone living on Mars. which is refreshing, given how little inter-planetary diversity the Dirt Bag usually includes.

Exactly! It needs to go: impeachment, nosedive in public support (and, if I’m being unreasonably optimistic, the support of the Republican establishment), widespread ridicule, loss of the 2020 election, Fox News reporting on 2021 inauguration crowds 10x the size his were, then jail.

Andy! Have you never watched a Bond movie to the end?? The fourth act of nearly all of them is “man with British accent and deeply questionable moral compass talks for just a bit too long, to his immediate but entirely predictable downfall.”

Prince Andrew is considering whether he might possibly give another television interview

Man, I wish I got a free tea towel for every 10 people I’ve sent their way. And here I’ve been telling my friends for free, like a chump.

do you think there’s any point where she would realize the wisdom in cutting off the leg to save the body? like, if he were convicted, her continued support of him could undermine the entire monarchy. or am I just being overly optimistic?