
Yup. And not even the “backwoods” parts. My home county on Long Island is solidly red - went to Trump by over 8%.

The new songs they’ve released for their new album actually sound really great. Got a Sam’s Town vibe (which is a relief, as their last album was a bit of a letdown to me). Also their live shows are still incredible.

Yep! Heaven forbid he should be mistaken for primary care.

That made me laugh, because even though she is a famous Bollywood actress, she still married like my Indian grandma wants me to. “Just find a nice Indian specialist doctor, kitteneye.”

THIS. Multiracial relationships are usually very complicated, and they are stories that are worth telling.

I think that Ashley has built herself up to a point where the USFS can’t do all that much to control her. Gracie Gold is a disaster and Karen Chen is wildly inconsistent and untested - Ashley knows that and knows that she’s going to be the center of their marketing efforts going into the Games, regardless. They need

They’re trying SO. FUCKING. HARD. While I do appreciate this as a bit of a fuck you to all of the people who thought her billionaire heir dad was crazy to marry a woman of color, like an iiiinkling of humility would make this so much more digestible.

She is, but she’s still basically a kid. She comes off as “teenage girl trying very, very hard to be an adult” to me. Very possible that she didn’t fully comprehend the extreme shit that someone with Scott’s connections and level of fame (especially since what he’s famous for is basically partying) could get him until

Agreed. The YYYs are obviously an incredibly important and awesome band, but I think that it’s the Strokes that caused a giant shift in the music scene. One of their problems, aside from the internal personal issues, was that they became so influential that it was almost impossible for their follow-ups to stand up to

Also, it’ll get into your pillowcase anyway, causing breakouts down the road, in addition to the sludge from your day that you aren’t rinsing off of your skin. So no, definitely don’t sleep in it.

At age 13. Good times.

Correct. I was sort of horrified by the feeling of deep relief I felt once he turned 21. Because I guess, you know, it wouldn’t be weird when we went to bar together? Or something.

I live in Brooklyn, so Prospect > Central any day, any time. As a former figure skater who grew up in the area, though, nothing can beat Wollman.

Sorry, but snark misplaced. This is good. Because shit like this annoys the fuck out of Trump, who wants nothing more than acceptance from the NYC society that has rejected him repeatedly over the years. He does not care about the people who actually elected him - they probably disgust him, actually. These are the

I wish she had left Hollywood for good when she took her break last year. Even if her break was strictly because of lupus, and not for the rumored problems with addiction, it seems like the pop starlet lifestyle was not something that was healthy or doable for her anymore.

Ugh, it’s so awful. Her older daughter seems to be fairly stable and successful, although I’m not quite sure if she’s tied to Scientology still or not.

I can see subsituting the Ordinaries, which I think are better than Glossier’s serums. But RMS is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive than Glossier, and Benefit is at a similar price point. And the Avene cleanser is comparable.

Oh man, Black Honey! That was the first ever lipstick I owned.

Heh heh. You may be on to something.

I have a bad obsession with Balm dotcom in Cherry. It’s the perfect wash of color and smells sooooo good. I’ll have to try Jam.