I only hope that the Switch hardware doesn’t choke on the game.
I only hope that the Switch hardware doesn’t choke on the game.
Why does that matter how they rank in the gaming space though? Saying that even a trillion dollar multinational behemoth remains in third place in the gaming space is an argument FOR Microsoft and the acquisition, not against it.
I mean, those claims are just silly though. Microsoft is a massive Conglomerate. They’re not some mom & pop shop on the corner. The other two are also conglomerates. Microsoft goofed up and neglected parts of their business, so now a conglomerate that made 200bn last year wants everyone to go along with their plans…
There’s an awful lot of vague pointing in your statement when again, we can point to Microsoft’s own lack of drive in building out their first party studios for two freakin’ decades. At this point, every corporation you’ve named could be correctly considered multi-national, not domestic. I wouldn’t be surprised if MS…
There’s a whole lot of awful takes in those tweets. Claiming DA2 was a bad game might be the best awful take of the lot.
There’s zero chance Twitch would care if that was actually the case.
A lot of those people live in suburbs. A car is basically required to live in a suburb. And public transportation doesn’t go through suburbs for obvious reasons.
I’m pretty sure RE4 made Leon’s lines intentionally campy, and they’re hilarious. Seems like Forspoken plays it straight, in typical SquareEnix fashion.
So you’re saying you don’t want a DLC Knife?
Okay so QTE’s aren’t fun, but it’s kind of removing what made RE4 a great early 2000's game. Why not just shorten them, instead of (probably unintentionally) chipping away at the game’s identity?
it’d have been completely brigaded by the GamerGate crowd literally just because black woman
Well, 360 was the leader, right? They didn’t really have to worry about first party titles. Also Kinect was weirdly a huge success?! That gen really may have been the Twilight Zone era of this entire thing. A “covid” generation. Like you acknowledge it happened, but when the next gen rolled around it looked like an…
I for one can’t wait for the clashing optics of opulence and extreme wealth amid a recession!
I also assumed that? Either that headline is doing too much, or Laura spent way too much time on writing this article.
Well, Sony did have a decade head start on them. Sony got in pretty early on the dev/publisher side, even before they made hardware. Microsoft, on the other hand, kind of threw money around for 1st party exclusives while forsaking in-house development. Besides Halo and Forza, I can’t really name any “Xbox” games? Like…
Allie, that spoon is huge. Oh my god. Is that yours?
and is basically the reason the GoldenEye remake on the Wii/PS3 slotted Craig into Brosnan’s spot.
I played Goldeneye a lot over my friends house back then, but I really LOVED Perfect Dark. Goldeneye was really fun, but as others have said, Perfect Dark had it beat.
Yeah, that was my second thought, haha. If they had been bought by an established company actually involved in the industry at large, instead of “Great Hill Partners(?!) (who I’d never fking heard of until the past year or so), the blacklisting probably would have been done a long time ago.
I mean, those are certainly more pronounced reflections. I wouldn’t necessarily call them better though.