You boss kinda seems like a psychopath, idk...
You boss kinda seems like a psychopath, idk...
I dunno, this article doesn’t explain the circumstances well. The BI article says the car floated to the middle of the pond, and apparently, she had reversed over a limestone barrier wall. So it was going pretty fast, presumably. Also it’s midnight, so probably close to pitch black.
I mean, if you were drunk to 3x the limit, would you be able to act calmly and decisively in that situation? I’d assume I would, but being silly drunk and hysterical at the same time is probably difficult to overcome in her circumstance.
This reminds me of something I’d say when I was like, 15 years old. I was an idiot back then.
I mean, GTA5 also didn’t run great on any of the launch day systems. I don’t think it was even 60fps on the Ps4/Xbone. Someone would really be drinking the Kool-Aid if they thought these consoles would do such a thing when the game looks as nice as GTA6 does. I’m not even sure if PC will be able to...
I remember when Twitch’s superstars were people who could beat Mario 64 blindfolded. Now it’s either overpaid, disingenuous gamer influencers who spend more time shilling sponsored Kool-Aid than they do playing games or it’s a camgirl playing Fortnite
Classic Sony.
This story originally appeared on io9. Want more io9 news?
I’d try to break up the fight? Hello? Are you one of these folks whose reaction to two people fighting is to kill one of them?
Just because someone is at risk of being harmed doesn’t mean you are justified in attempting to murder a guy. Imminent harm is not the same as imminent death.
Of course it is. But introducing a weapon into a fairly weak fist fight/wrestle match is an escalation. It’s not hard to understand.
It’s not justified because it was an escalation. When two dudes are fighting, who in the heck thinks “let me just stab this guy a few times”? Even if she was protecting her spouse or whatever, it didn’t help at all and only compelled the victim to introduce a gun to that mess.
Yet another year goes by and the greatest game of the horror survival genre, ‘Deep Fear’ for the Sega Saturn, continues to get snubbed. Unbelievable.
I’d say both reasons can be true. I’ve come across a lot of women who dress up in similarly tight outfits because they think it’s cool and/or sexy. On the other hand, sex sells so of course the devs would do this.
I’ve seen them but, I dunno, they’re breasts. Celebs have genitals and breasts like the rest of us, big whoop, idk. Maybe I’m just old, but damn how many celebs have had their stuff leaked or stolen, and people still freak out about celebs being actual living beings?
Gamer Karens, yes.
He’s no Bernard Hopkins, that’s for sure.
Would Sony even want that? Like, yeah they’re the Final Fantasy guys, but what else would Sony want there? They haven’t had a hit non-FF game in almost forever, and their latest FF game didn’t sell like they wanted it to.
I wasn’t aware that anime hairstyles and hot, tropey east asian women were some kind of tradition? As opposed to uhhhh.. bad.