Kit Jackson 1967

My guess, and this is only a guess, is that Key and Peele agree to parts like this so they will have money to develop their own projects.

Agreed. If they think no one cares about thier older content and that a superhero series about a character almost no one has heard of will be a bigger draw, by all means put your pre 1980 stuff on a basic level and charge extra for new original streaming only series.

I think we’ve all had the experience of looking forward to a movie and being dissapointed by it. I don’t think that means you weren’t smart.

What is GMG?

She also gets some of the best lines. She’s snarky and witty. It’s where Lorelai get it from.

It’s going to be a running thing, like Bond cars. They could also have a line about how much it cost to repair the last one.

I love this. If you want to make them gay, have it play out as there’s an attraction, but don’t have them married from the start, because then you can do multiple seasons of romantic tension; will they or own’t they.

I’m just wondering where Avery is in all of this. Why wasn’t he in the promo?

No way. It would have to be ShoutTV because of the music rights. ShoutTV’s speciality is getting the music rights that most other companies thought was impossible. They did “China Beach,” “Wonder Years,” and “WKRP in Cincinnati.”

My guess is that CBS has “Blue Bloods” for older conservatives, and market research told them that enough older liberals existed to make a “Murphy Brown” reboot viable. Also, the original is now on MeTV or CoziTV, so there has to be a market for the original, otherwise no one would be paying money to make the original

I know streaming services don’t use ratings, but do the companies keep track of views? Do they know how many times someone has clicked on a particular film/show and how many episodes they watched? Do they have that information but do not reveal it to the general public?

“Casino” in the Star Wars universe could be awesome or awful. I can’t decide.

“it doesn’t even make time for a classic laying-out-the-heist-plan sequence.”

Except that they didn’t have a Skywalker saga/main storyline films coming out this year. They can release “Solo” Memorial Day weekend and next year, release a Skywalker saga/main storyline film Memorial Day weekend.

They went with Memorial Day Weekend to honor the release date of the first Star Wars movie.

“ why Rory didn’t use her trust fund to hire Lane and the 30-somethings to jazz up the Stars Hollow newspaper.”

There have been times I’ve trouble figuring out the price and calorie count. I’m short and my distance vision isn’t perfect so it can be hard to see where the decimal point is until I get closer. (Is the popcorn $6.00 or 600 calories)

I had not realized she had already left “The Daily Show.” I thought she was still on it. At least she’ll still working. I liked the way she played off/worked well with Noah.

True. Didn’t Christopher mention Lorelai being on the back of his motercyle wearing a Pinky Tuscadero t-shirt? It seems like pre-Rory Lorelai was very much up for anything that would make her parents crazy and enjoyed Christopher’s recklessness.

I think Lorelai accepts what her relationship with Emily is and has more or less made peace with it. That being said, I don’t think Lorelai would wish it on anyone and if she can stop another mother and daughter from going down that path, she will.