
for some reason this is the one that made me like this was fake. if a kid with no idea saw mega man.. would they really think megaman was a robot based on how he looks...?

lol "loosely", phrasing!

Stephen, in your honest opinion as someone who has a finger on the pulse of the industry, do you see Nintendo making at least a modest return to form on this platform? In my mind I think its possible but the more realist side of me says Nintendo's boat has sailed way too long ago to make a foothold.

I'm so damn tired of Fabula Crystal Ass and just Square-Enix in general man. They need to stop with all these pretentious names that are trying to sound meaningful because they contain Latin or through slapping words together to sound dramatic. Reminiscence Tracer of Memories, Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim,

non sequitur "HULK SMASH!" was a highlight for me

man am i the only one who thought Sunset Overdrive was trying too hard to be cool? it made me like the game a little less.

Am I the only one who feels that this game is trying TOO HARD to be EDGY AND AWESOME? i dunno, shit was kind of annoying to me.

i dunno, all these delays makes the quality of the game dubious to me regardless of the team ico name behind it

it still makes me extremely happy theres a transformers fan on the kotaku staff :) how you feeling about Age of Extinction with the last couple TV spots and stuff that have been popping up?

i LOVE GOG but always wanted them to come out with some sort of client application to neatly organize all the games I have from there. So looking forward to this

yeesh lets hope they dont make his X-Ray move a career ending mule kick right? :/

i dont know if its too early to say this but just from this alone, i feel like the characters arent very.. charismatic. And I know its turn of the 20th century and everything but seeing as how they took liberties with alot.. kind of surprised there are no minority characters... :o

the phrase.. "trying too hard" immediately came to mind. :|

lol kind of inspired by that actually. good catch! :)

dont worry, its coming, i wouldn't doubt it'll be soon.

its because there are so many variations of the Android platform in terms of hardware that it takes alot more work to have a homogeneous version that works across all the popular handsets.

you are absolutely INCORRECT. discounted purchases are always yours, the free ones are based on the membership status.

come on Nintendo! you gotta do something! do ANYTHING! it'll be really depressing if you were to disappear from the video game market

if you like Mario RPG style combat I highly suggest Saturday Morning RPG. Especially if you're an 80s kid

you know.. i liked Transformers Prime.. ALOT actually. but it hurts my soul that someone decided to connect the cybertron games with Prime and not G1 anymore. its so obvious that High Moon wanted the games to be what leads to the first episode of Generation 1. Anyone that says otherwise is lying to themselves.