
fantastic artwork! wish it was a bit higher resolution though :/

it’s pretty neat, there’s a setting that actually lets you see what people selected globally as a percentage between the two choices.

Now playing

NOPE. Best Boss battle music belongs to a game most people either hated or never even played.

okay dude you win, whatever you say. I shouldn’t have went past my first post because really there’s no point. I spent my time with modern UI and I didn’t like it, plain and simple and I’m not alone. It’s not an uncommon for people I talk to say they hate the modern UI on their PCs and their Xboxes, Windows Phone

you’re being so pretentious. YES why change what was already working. does that mean to stop progressing? no it doesn’t. many dont agree that modern UI was progress and more regressive. I get that you dont agree.

No one should have to search at all. Why change what was working already? it was because they were banking on touch pure and simple. and how was the change in ANY WAY a benefit over the original method? Jumping back and forth between desktop and modern UI is a very jarring transition.

i am aware of alt-f4 and have since even the old days. and if you’re done looking down your nose at me i’m talking about how unintuitive the original plan was. i know a bunch of the shortcuts and all that stuff but I’m talking about from a normal person’s perspective. there is less travel with a more compact menu

how was the modern UI start menu a “step forward”? it was a clumsy mess that overestimated how many people would have touch interfaces in due time. it was made for touch. closing apps by grabbing the top of the screen and dragging it to the bottom? that is in no way intuitive for desktop users without touch.

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reminds me of Bloodsport when Ray Jackson hits Chong Li a couple times on the head and starts to celebrate to only get his throat kicked and head stomped.

whats with the terrible SNES era music? :|

lol “gotta blow my way into the stronghold”

i dont know why, im super excited these are coming but at the same time really sad that its not on a Nintendo console.

they shuttered High Moon shortly after Deadpool came out

isnt this the same thing as when Kotaku or other sites have a shop contest?

weird so this game is short and has a main character named Gray and a supporting character named Ishi? and The Order 1886 is also short and has a main character named Gray with a supporting character named Izzy.

thats not as easy as you're implying. its a much bigger ordeal than it should be.

yay love the game grumps :) its cool they got a new channel for randomness like this

aww you shoulda put the actual video up first THEN the gifs. way to spoil the suspense of seeing it lol

this looks great! but i know we discuss uncanny valley about people but did anybody get that from these environments too? its too perfect

you know what i noticed helps me? playing sports video games! I've played Madden, NBA 2K, MLB The Show and i used to play the crap out of Tecmo Bowl back in the day despite not watching the sports they're based on. hell they actually taught me all the rules for each sport. i had a vague idea how they played but i