
you know.. i liked Transformers Prime.. ALOT actually. but it hurts my soul that someone decided to connect the cybertron games with Prime and not G1 anymore. its so obvious that High Moon wanted the games to be what leads to the first episode of Generation 1. Anyone that says otherwise is lying to themselves.

no it's the same but it may see that way because of the darker color on the sides of her breasts. it makes the light colored parts stand out more.

I got the feeling that somewhere in the commercial he realizes he actually killed the plant. maybe it's showing that even with the best intentions bad things can happen but that doing it everywhere you go can also yield great things.

you do realize the third movie was pretty much a combination of three G1 Transformers episodes right?

you do realize the third movie was pretty much a combination of three G1 Transformers episodes right?

oh come on Luke, you gotta admit it does look fun. and at least as far as actors are concerned it at least got rid of LeBeef and got Mark Wahlberg which I would hope we could agree is an upgrade.

I dunno, the guy comes off as cocky to me but tries to mask it with slight language tricks. Also don't tell me how your game was designed with love in comparison to another's especially before more people play your game. that's a phrasing reserved for the people who play your game not the one who designed it.

windows 8 is definitely much speedier to me than windows 7 was. boots faster and NO Acme64 it doesn't hibernate. i fully shut down each time. its cold boot is impressively fast and windows in general is just snappier

really surprised this isn't a Fahey article :) didn't know you were a TF fan too Totilo!

I get the feeling half the people calling bullshit didn't really play the game. I wasn't that into prior GTAs but this one was so sprawling and had all these neat little flourishes that I was in amazement the whole time. The story was really well written and all three characters were memorable(with Trevor stealing the

i guess i never had to look at the big picture. thats TERRIBLE. if it didnt have all those restrictions it would be such a convenient service. I like being able to chat with friends on their xbox 360s and adding to my gamerscore but if they use it for some shitty region lock/drm, they can go fuck themselves like I

wait why are they even killing it though? i would think it would still be an intrinsic part of xbox live

lol Pocket Trains sounds like a really bad euphemism

lol oh i knew, but for the folks who havent, its really something hilarious they should see unspoiled ;)

I swear to god, all you jaded people are real killjoys.

umm thats the sort of spoiler they said NOT to mention in the article dude.

well obviously your perception doesn't match everyone else's why are you so surprised?

maybe that IS gameplay, its been quiet because secretly they changed the game into a QTE game ;D lol jk

i thought she kinda looked like her too, but its not

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God, Bethesda are so guilty of it too, whenever I see characters in any Fallout or Elder Scrolls games talk it reminds me of Max Headroom.