OMG, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who sees it!!
OMG, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who sees it!!
Jamie will kill Cersei in the end—delivering on the prophesy and adding Queenslayer to his list of titles.
This is everything I never knew I always wanted.
Sour grapes.
Right! And if we’re going to worry about confusing sounding names we get Yara-Euron. Not that anyone is going to confuse the characters, but still, it’s all dumb.
Sansa will name one of her daughters after Margaery and teach her how to be a savvy, cunning, manipulative badass, just like her namesake. At least that’s what’s going to happen in my mind.
Seriously, I just want Arya and Nymeria to reuinite. In slo mo. Across a dappled meadow.
All I ever wanted was Sansa as Queen in the North and Margaery on the Iron Throne, and there would have been peace and good feelings between the North and the South could have grown and Margaery and Sansa could have ruled as benevolent queens who sometimes hooked up whenever there was an occasion for the kingdoms to…
Sure, but I agree that the show plays by different rules. We don’t have 100% sympathetic characters boning kin on the show. But I am biased, as I “ship” Dany and Yara / Asha Greyjoy.
Waiting for next season when all the money they’re going to save in a dozen actors’s salaries can be used for FX.
Nah, I think she’s drawing “Queen Lyanna Mormont, First of Her Name” in between doodles of herself on the Iron Throne.
Young Ned, totally Stoner NPH. I think Jon’s real name is some fucked up hard to spell Targaryen nonsense like Jaeheryes. To which Ned said, “fook it. Jon it is.”
I agree with the first two, but I think Sam’ll find the complete Harry Potter series and just become useless until he finishes it and for a week after as he wanders around, “Why? Why Fred?”
Lyanna Mormont is totally writing JS + LM with a heart around it on all her notebooks.
Purveyor of Badassery.
As much as Sansa should be queen in the north, I’m glad she’s not right now. It would have marked her for death. I don’t think Jon Snow makes it out alive at the end of this whole thing, I think Sansa does. She’s been playing the long game the whole time, and this is just another aspect of that.
Can I say that I love that scene between Dany and Tyrion where she gives him the Hand of the Queen pin. She means it and values him.
I can’t get on board with Tyrion being in love with Dany. I think he holds her in the highest regard he has ever known, but romantic love? No.
It was a Lyanna who protected Jon when he was born.