
...I, I don’t know what to say. I just failed as a human being.

Baby muppets or muppet babies!?! ANIMAL DANCCCCCE.

She is lightning fast and whip smart, a New York Jew with a copy of the Times tucked into her bag.

Much like South Park, Schumer fearlessly tackles taboo subjects like incest and bodily excretions, except she’s a person, not a cartoon.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

2 things:

Wow, I can only imagine how icky he must be in person.

I saw a couple cosplaying as Claire and Jamie last year at DragonCon, and they were adorable.

Guys I am snorting at my desk and sincerely needed this today. But like, you left out the legit winner forever and ever from Kelly Faircloth:

Are...are you trying to say this is one and the same man??

France was cool and all, but the lack of Jamie in a kilt bummed me out on a weekly basis!


I just found out there were 3 confirmed Mexicans among the victims. There is one other possible Mexican. There is another Mexican who is in the hospital. Mother fucker Trump has to answer the question of what he thinks of that. Fucking fucker hijo del gran culo. Se merece que le corten los huevos poco a poco y se los


My thoughts and prayers are with you.

This needs to be brought back.

“You know, one of those stans”

Now playing

That’s all I got out of his ramblings.

UGH Cersei used to be one of my favorite characters to watch. Evil in that delicious way. I especially loved her in the Blackwater episode, between the stories she scares Sansa with, her teaching Shae how to curtsey, then the scene with Tommen in her lap when she’s about to poison him right before Tywin busts in. SO