
It’s Chekov’s Wildfire. ;)

Nope, seagulls are assholes. It’s a fitting name.

seagulls are NOT adorable. they are filthy sky rats who like to dumpster dive.


how DARE you blaspheme the spice gull that way

That’s why I didn’t bother to argue with “facts” or “logic”. If you’re fucking stupid enough to believe that people get abortions that late, nothing I say is going to matter.

Why insult that poor seagull? He was adorable, and apparently smelled delicious. I highly doubt you can say the same about Trump.

You may have needed to put an /s on that post because I have seen people espousing abortion at 40 weeks. I tended to think that they were trolls, but we have a lot of fairly young folks about who had tragically bad sex ed. :^/

I was mocking the Facebook woman because no one gets abortions at 36 weeks barring some sort of complication, it’s a moot point. But this person and other commenters genuinely seemed to believe that open abortion regulations means that women will have abortions after viability.

My commitment to seeing her use all available media to tear Donald Trump back into his constituent individual Cheeto Puffs is unwavering.

Termination of a pregnancy at 36 weeks is called “birth” and that person is called a “loon”.

You leave that poor seagull alone! It has suffered enough.

Yeah it’s definitely one of the greatest things ever put into the universe. I so want to get drunk with these two, I feel like it would be the best night of my life.

I hate this billionaire prick but love Jezebel! Long may the lesbian shitasses reign!

Have you ever seen their cover of ‘Smell Yo Dick’, it’s one of the best things ever. It’s on YouTube and I would link it for you but I’m at work and can’t exactly look up the title lol.

Oh thank god. I was going to keep posting on Jezebel whether it continued or not but if it didn’t “Jezebel” was going to consist of a series of stars I made on the bathroom floor out of cat poop and my own tears. It would have involved me standing on Santa Monica Blvd naked screeching about Ted Cruz being the zodiac

And box wine.

We also like Beyoncé and cats.

Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally are in my celebrity couple top five.