Kiss me, Hardy!

A pastor in California is part of a faction of Christians upset about Octavia Spencer’s role as God in the movie adaptation of William P. Young’s controversial 2007 novel The Shack. Spencer is black, you see, and God is a white man.

Good for her, I hope these kinds of things get more visibility. The more they see the light, the less we can stop hating on each other. Games should be enjoyed by everyone

This is remarkable.

Your work is tremendous. I hope you have something less heinous to write about than sexual crimes soon, because it must be crushing.

Diana, your work is incredible and important and thank you.

Because poor women make lawmakers feel better about themselves. Lawmakers can look at poor women and blame all negative circumstances and outcomes on those women and not the system that failed. Lawmakers get to pat themselves on the back for doing nothing to help.

Ann and Cecile Richards.

THANK GOD. I’m preggo in Texo and this shit actually affects me, right now, as we speak. I very much want to give birth to a healthy child but if I miscarried, I would not hold a funeral. That this governor would force me to have a burial is unconscionable. I’m a white, married, wealthy voter having planned children.

Both are terrifyingly dystopian. Perhaps the left needs to start running horror movie-esque ads that depict women being brutally, violently raped then locked in a cell until they give birth :/ It might be the only thing that forced-birth advocates will be horrified by.

Were I an Oklahoma business owner, I’d put the signs Elvish, or Klingon. And were I a resident, I’d have a sharpie on hand at all times.

Do you understand what would happen if a woman had an abortion when she was full term? She has to GIVE BIRTH.

I had a friend who was a devout Catholic and she said she worked for things like maternity leave and health insurance and subsidized day care and universal preschool because she interpreted the Church’s position as that no woman should ever have to abort a *wanted* pregnancy because she couldn’t afford to be parent

because the more sex, the bigger your labia minora grow? that doesn’t make any fucking sense. (not that I’d expect some purity-ring pushing misogynist to make sense in this arena.)

When I had my first anatomy scan at 20 weeks, the doctor saw an anomaly with my son’s heart and presented me with a VERY grim prognosis.

Now he just needs to choose one of these:

Oddly enough, it wasn’t really a big deal when it happened (this coming from my parents). It was just kind of accepted as common sense and people moved on, as far as I can tell.

It became a rallying cry as part of the southern strategy several years later, when Republicans realized that riling up the evangelicals was a

It was because of generations of first hand ‘my sister, my aunt’ horror stories.

They should post free birth control dispensers instead, if the goal is really to reduce the number of abortions.

A pregnant woman typically has the first detailed anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Many fetal anomalies that are incompatible with life are not discovered prior to this ban.

Oh fuck that. Only a monster would force a woman to carry a non-viable fetus to term.