No Shape, the fourth studio album by Perfume Genius (the stage name of musician Mike Hadreas), takes on an entirely…
No Shape, the fourth studio album by Perfume Genius (the stage name of musician Mike Hadreas), takes on an entirely…
I am a Brit but it is important that other people see this so they don’t miss out. Watch Charlie Brooker’s ‘Wipe’ series! Also watch Cunk on Shakespeare!
Not sure where you’re from so if it’s UK, feel free to ignore but would hate to think of anyone missing out on classic Brooker! he He does a ‘year in review’ show for Christmas TV called ‘Wipe’ - utter genius! Recommend!
White bear... oh god, that messed me up for days.
I still haven’t seen s3 of Black Mirror but it is very important to me that Charlie Brooker wins all the awards for everything. I luffs him.
White Bear will always, ALWAYS be my favorite episode, but San Junipero was by far the most emotionally moving of the series. Both episodes have left me thinking about them long after watching.
Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.
I had an emergency c section first time round after 24 hours of labour and a failed forceps intervention. I had to have a general anaesthetic because they couldn’t get the epidural to take, and they had to make an extra big cut because my giant baby (11lbs) was stuck from all the attempts at natural delivery. People…
C sections dont cut through the muscles- the OB cuts through the skin, pushes muscles & guts out of the way, then cuts through the uterus to get baby out. I have had 2 c sections, recovery is rough for the first couple weeks. Definitely not a walk in the park but not the death knell to your life some people make it…
I had 2 elective c sections and I exclusively formula fed- I’m the freak among mothers and I regret absolutely nothing! My body, my choice.
Making the right choice for yourself and having it work out as planned is what everyone wants! It’s so unfortunate that you have to deal with people judging you for it. It’s your body, you should be able to make your own health care decisions without anyone being a jerk about it.
Maybe it was for medical reasons, maybe it was elective, but regardless of the context she may have been shamed by the vaginal-birth-with-no-pain-meds-is-the-only-way-to-go portion of women who become mothers. So that was probably her response to that.
Kate Hudson’s comment is just dumb. I ended up having a C section and honestly, I loved it. I had a pretty fast recovery time and I never felt like less of a mom because you know, I still had a baby. But when I told people I ended up with a c section, you would have thought I told them my child was seriously ill. The…
The laziest thing SHE has ever done.
Doesn’t Russell Brand have a kid now? And isn’t he a Buddhist? I dunno. I think it sounds more like he’s trying to get his house in order rather than reaching out to his ex for a sympathy shag...
This isn’t a bill that’s written to become law. This is a bill being used for political purposes. It’s like all those GOP Obamacare repeal bills, but benevolent.
In mitigation, I would suggest some of the seriousness is a result of this performance being broadcast live simultaneously on BBC radio 1 and the Internet. Live lounge performances are notoriously tense as the band and performer only get to rehearse once or twice together before they go live to the whole UK and web.
Not to be snarky, but isn’t that how this works? For decades, the Far Right has chipped away at the public good, forcing Democrats to edge closer to center (and into the shallow Right) to stay viable. Perhaps Medicare-for-all isn’t a winner this go-around, but it’ll get a lot of public support, making funding…
not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country
To be fair, it IS standard to refer to people on the congress floor as “the gentleman from Iowa” or “the lady from Tennessee,” it’s just part of the decorum of the chamber. But, that is definitely not how he was using it. He was using it as “young lady, you better go get those sandwiches ready while the real men do…