Kiss-Shot V3

I was kind of like this in high school. I was convinced that all women were idiotic and that feminists were batshit crazy. I refused to wear feminine clothes or do any “feminine” things and developed a very misogynistic and mean sense of humor. When I went to college, I realized that I had to reconcile my hatred of

Also, GG say that women are too sensitive when they are doxxed and threatened with rape, but when they are mildly criticized by a TV show, it’s suddenly horrible? It’s pretty clear who are the wallowers in victimization.

The fact that you think you’d rather die than be a woman is kinda the problem. Also, assigning gender to things that don’t have gender (personality traits, hobbies, etc.) is just weird.
Anyway. I’ve found no one has ever changed their opinion on something because someone was a douchebag to them. All you do is

not being a threatening shitbag is politcal now?

I guess I have a higher opinion of straight white men than you, because I don’t think rape threats, death threats, or revenge porn are part of some innate white dude package that’s handed out at the hospital along with a onesie and a bag of diapers.
You can be a straight white dude and not a douchebag, as it turns

More “Why some straight men can’t help but be assholes on the internet - and a larger number are assholes for pretending that that minority doesn’t exist or what they do is not so bad or jusify things by saying she deserved it”.

Get out of here with that bullshit.

Alternatively: “Don’t Do This Shitty Thing And Speak Up If You See Others Doing It.”

That’s not a bad thing.

Guys can joke about it with each other but women call the police because the guys know that they’re not under any real, serious threat of stalking, doxxing or actual death or violence threats. Women can’t know that, in fact they’re quite wise to think the opposite, as they can draw on examples of real life doxxing and

In the comments: the subject of this video.

Men: This is women’s power fantasy.
Women: Well, not really. Why don’t you let us decide what we want, yeah?
Men: OMG so sexist feminazi.

Pretty much this whole comment section.

I agree entirely - I feel like EVERY character in League is iconic, while the Dota characters are generic and forgettable.

They don’t, that has been defined by men. It’s also not *your* power fantasy, it’s *a* power fantasy.

The fuck are you smoking?

I think the lesson is that people shouldn’t define what a power fantasy is for anybody else but themselves. My personal power fantasy is always the fattest and grossest champions. Like the bizarre joke characters in fighting games or Urgot in League. Dominating with the ugliest pile of garbage is way more fun. God

Why would a man want to choose what a woman should relate to?

I’m not sure who the artists are, or their sex and gender, but female power fantasies are cool, as long as they’re being defined predominantly by women.