Well, as a male, you can’t grow up as a woman in a world where most of the depictions of your gender in art and culture has been defined for you by men who haven’t lived your experience.
Well, as a male, you can’t grow up as a woman in a world where most of the depictions of your gender in art and culture has been defined for you by men who haven’t lived your experience.
Typos aside, most of your points have nothing to do with what the OP is talking about right now. The point is, most of our culture has been defined primarily by men for thousands of years, to the point where the male viewpoint is considered the normal, natural, and all-encompassing point of view. This includes how…
Ultimately they’re not sustainable. The stress of finding an area with enough customers available to be willing to spend their money on video games they can play for a one time cost in their basements and being able to maintain new games for people to play is not for everyone. You’re apparently even starting to see…
Shit like this just makes games look cheap and trashy. No one plays Street Fighter for the “fanservice” anyway. It’s supposed to be a clean fighter and moving into the next gen with SFV. It’s time to leave this lame shit in the past.
Murder victims are usually not blamed for being murdered, and their killers are usually imprisoned instead of exonerated.
I hate everything about your post and everything that it stands for.
How is that the easy way out? I highly doubt that he thought that actually raping women was ok even while writing those lyrics, those lyrics instead being a product of a culture where actual victims of rape are overlooked. If that’s the case, his apology would be appropriate.
At the time, I had no guidance in my life. I blame it on that.
I’ve really been wanting to see beautiful games happen for a while, and this looks incredibly promising.
I really liked the Skullgirls tutorial, despite its brevity, because it explained concepts like frame advantage, mixups, throw techs, and relaunches and stuff in a way that is easily applicable to a match itself. Other games with in-depth training modes like Blazblue CS don’t put the concepts they address into…
I’’ve noticed that a lot of people who are #notracist think that racism “in the past” was “irrational” racism and that people just didn’t like black people because they had a different skin color. They think that their feelings are different because they have ‘evidence’ and ‘personal experience’ that confirms their…
Some things you just shouldn’t share, no matter how funny you think they are.
I appreciate that he didn’t try to swing his voice up to hit those notes. Ay. Backing band is not good though. Ay. Kimmel’s bands rarely are. Ay.
He seems like such a chill guy.
This just in: Your favorite band is garbage and your taste is shit.
Lol. The only known Dylan song was a version performed by a black hippie with a backwards guitar.
Maybe that was the point.
I think that a lot of these games are trash and now the devs are seeing what their shitty tower defense game is really worth in the grand scheme of things. Now if I buy a game for $7 on a whim, I can get my money back instead of just considering it sunk costs. No more, “oops, I bought a shitty game, might as well live…