I’ve never seen this show, and I just like to come into these boards just to wonder at what the fuck is going on in this mainstream TV series.
I’ve never seen this show, and I just like to come into these boards just to wonder at what the fuck is going on in this mainstream TV series.
I think it’s a bit hard to get away with “but my child really wanted to be burned alive, and I couldn’t help myself anyways” in the US justice system. I think that’s the difference.
Are they bad? I’ve always fallen alseep halfway through.
Nope. Devs need to change the game so I don’t need to do any thinking. Thinking is hard. I just wanna right click on things and see money appear.
Whine, whine fucking whine. The biggest problem with the League community isn’t the toxicity, it’s the fact that they don’t want to put the tiniest bit of work into anything.
Reminds me of this little experiment:
There’s no such thing as ethics and morality in a capitalist system. If the market demands it, people will provide it, and you really don’t have any business complaining about it. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.
God that’s creepy seeing it over and over again. The old guy’s like 40 and he has a wife and kids.
I would totally play both of these games. I hope that Tiny Bull continues with its development of Blind.
A huge chunk of the market is the US, a world of white people who built the country through murder and slavery but open sexuality was practically a capital crime.
So it’s the “Depression Quest” of shooters? Shocker.
Ah, Huckabee, friends with actual rapist pedophiles, friends with child molesters, and now self-admitted sexual harasser wannabe, you will never get my vote even if I had to vote a complete incompetent into office.
Do you not understand the concept of a refund?
It’ll be weeks before people will start using this to get free shit and Steam will shut it down soon after. Nobody believes in paying for anything anymore.
Hatred: A Game For Idiots, By Idiots.
Preteen girls can be surprisingly bright. It’s weird that as I get older, I start thinking that all children are complete idiots and they often surprise me with their insight.
Your name makes sense given your past experiences. Sorry you had to go through that.
InB4 game sucks and people still try to find a way to defend it. What a waste of money.
Aren’t you like one of those people who thinks it’s badass to watch videos of animals being tortured and murdered because “hardcore”. Mmk.