Why, is someone forcing her to do it against her will?
Why, is someone forcing her to do it against her will?
Yo dawg, I heard you like Pursuers, so I gave the Pursuer some pursuers so it can pursue you while it Pursues.
The only boss that legitly kicked my ass in Dark Souls was The Four Kings. Everything else was meh. I had more trouble with DMC3.
I think you just sound like a gamergater. We’re done here.
Testing on new Kinja.
Unless you are about multiplayer and builds and running though the game many times just to use different weapons, play DS1. It’s a better single player experience and a lot less money.
All I could find about it is that he said that during game shows the judges had a tendency to vote for games that they thought needed help instead of games that actually stood a chance at winning. Which is a pretty sensible position to take, because contests aren’t supposed to be charities. I’ve looked through his…
Pics or it didn’t happen. As they say...
Gamers: striking another blow against public perception that people who play video games are socially awkward dangers to public safety and decency.
I’ve never understood why people listened to music instead of playing it themselves, but people are stupid and lazy and you really can’t expect much of this “plugged in” generation.
I didn’t get any of these.
DLC and microtransactions are ruining games omg halp!!11
I’m constantly amazed at how many people seem to center their ideas on freedom of expression on the ability to offend people other than themselves.
This joke is offensive to me, but it’s oppressive to trans people.
We wouldn’t have a world devoid of humor, there’s always videos of puppies being burned to death to laugh at.
Put it this way, if a woman was going to have sex with a man and he had a small penis, should she be so personally ashamed that she runs off of a cliff and kills herself? Was she tricked? Is it really the worst thing in the world to get into bed with a 4 incher?
“Once there was a man who was quite fair in looks,
People can be whatever they want to be, but they can never force another person to be what they want to be.
One time I knew a girl who almost slept with a guy before she found out he was a gamer and backed out just in time. I heard she called up her guy friends and they beat him up when he got off his shift at work. Gamers should come out and tell people up front about their lifestyle so they won’t have to take drastic…