One small step for a man, one giant example of how video games make life just a little bit more gross/weird.
One small step for a man, one giant example of how video games make life just a little bit more gross/weird.
Better than “tongue but hole”. Ya know, for a girl gamer.
You're still saying that you like something that was produced by this guy:
Don’t make Brandon make another video.
Eyes... grant us eyes....
BTW guys, the pvp soul level meta has been set at about 110. Basically this means that if you’re interested in pvp against other players, you should plan for building your character to soul level 110 to encounter the most players, or at least the players adhering to the set meta.
The title does not say that these are the best games.
I was thinking more for games that are associated with any kind of "SJW" cause get bombed by a bunch of people downvoting because women.
I totally enjoyed reading this weird furry drama bullshit.
Goddammit Hai.
It's kind of like guro threads invading video games. It's a bit gratuitous.
Technically it would be 65%, since all X Rays seem to do 35% damage.
I'm sure the "Not the bees!" jokes will never get old for the color commentators.
The series is generally not for people who like fighting games.
INB4 "speedrunners ruin the game because they don't enjoy the story and it's an affront to the developers and everyone who love the atmosphere of the game".
They give you a ring you have to buy that when wearing it means you gain 0 souls from all sources. So in other words they take away a ring slot from you and force you to dedicate all your souls to your pre-determined without any kind of sm meta agreed upon by the community. It basically the equivalent of cutting your…
And there's the fact that most people have moved on to the vastly superior Bloodborne and there's really not much reason to upgrade if you've already played through DS2.
Well at least now DarkSydePhil will be able to beat the game at all.